Reasonable Limits Reason, a Great Gift, Nevertheless is Imperfect
"Wisdom" and "Knowledge" in 1 Corinthians
The concepts of wisdom and knowledge in 1 Corinthians have been studied from two general approaches. One approach derives the apostle Paul's usage from nonmythological understanding of the concepts in the Old Testament and later Judaism. The second approach sees an influence of mythological origins that may or may not have been mediated through Judaism.
The Meaning of "Epignosis"
The Relevancy of Scripture
This article investigates the relevancy of Scripture. It addresses the question regarding what kind of knowledge the Bible provides. The author suggests three of these kinds of knowledge: first, conceptual knowledge of God and the principles that control the relationship between him and his creation; second, directional knowledge in matters of experience and conduct; and third, knowledge of the basis for devotional meditation. The article also handles the matter of the clarity of Scripture.
Knowledge: True Knowledge of God Comes through Faith
Christian knowledge of God is intellectual, volitional, and moral. This knowledge comes through faith, and it is different from the knowledge of Gnosticism. This is what the article explains.
Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth - Spiritual Growth in Knowledge
This book discusses spiritual growth with the foundation of Colossians 1:9-10. Christians are called to grow spiritually in knowledge, practice and experience. In this chapter, the author focuses on growing in knowledge.
Ecclesiastes 1:12-16 - The Burden of Wisdom
Exploring Ecclesiastes 1:12-18, this article shows why true knowledge brings sorrow. True biblical wisdom gives understanding about the nature of life in this world, revealing that this world is lying in the midst of death. However, this is a healthy sorrow, since it leads one to search for life in Christ to escape the death of this life.
How Do You Know?
Christian knowledge centers around the trustworthiness of scripture as it testifies about Christ as a historical event.
Why We Believe in God
This article is about why we believe in God; namely, because he has revealed himself to us in creation and in Scripture. Belief in God makes knowledge possible and allows us to make sense of the world. Believing in God is rational, because not believing in God renders everything meaningless.
We Know... We Know...
Saving Knowledge
In order for one to be saved, one must possess a saving knowledge. This is a knowledge that is rooted in the heart in response to the truth of the gospel, leading to faith in Christ. Salvation is knowing the Father and the Son in their character.
God of the "Whats" and the "Hows"
This article discusses an objection raised against covenantal apologetics. This objection against covenantal apologetics is found in the distinction between epistemology and ontology, and focuses on the issue of the basis of knowledge. This is the first of three articles discussing this objection.
The Epistemology of Pascal's Wager: A Christian Presuppositional Argument
Looking at the epistemology of Pascal, this article shows how Pascal understood knowledge to function in relation to the faculties of man - body, mind and heart. Pascal exposed the limits of knowledge, and believed that man's rejection of God is rooted in the heart. The ability of man to know God is dependant on the revelation of God. The author of this article argues that Pascal system is worth emulating.
Christ – Our Starting Point
What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
Christian versus Humanistic Education
Getting the Basics of Education
Biblical Inerrancy as a Practical Issue Today
How Much Did Jesus Christ Know?
Studying Reality at the Secular University
No Need for a Second Service?
A Personal Relationship with Jesus
Our Pursuit of Knowledge: Is it Proper?
1 Corinthians 13:8-13 - Eschatology or Canon?
I Hate my Generation
This article is about our desire for entertainment and our lack of reading and knowledge today.