Worldliness: How to Identify and Combat It
How to Use Leisure Time: Loving Admonitions
How to Use Leisure Time: Biblical Principles
Crass Christianity What happens when the Great Commission becomes a Marketing Manifesto?
Is Television Really So Bad?
The Call to Create Culture
Based on Exodus 31 this article discusses the calling of Christians in relation to arts and entertainment. It also discusses hindrances for Christians in using arts and entertainment to create a culture.
Sex on the Screen Silver Screen – Outsourcing Depravity
Should Christians watch nudity scenes and sex scenes on television as part of their entertainment? This article argues that watching such scenes is like outsourcing depravity. It is allowing unbelievers violate the law so we can enjoy the benefits.
How Much Entertainment Is Too Much?
Should Christians shun entertainment? This article argues that Christians can enjoy entertainment purposefully, as a means of achieving rest.
Stuck in Adolescence?
American Idols
Is the adoration of famous personalities in the entertainment industry - such as TV, movie, or sports stars - idolatry?
Church Statements on Amusements
What attitude should Christians have towards amusement and entertainment? The entertainment we engage in has an impact on our relationship with God and others.
What Every Parent Should Know About the Internet (8) - News & Views
This article looks at how the Internet has shaped the way news is received. The danger exists that the news becomes simply a means of entertainment. On the other hand, Christians can utilize the internet as a tool for evangelism.
Lovers of God Rather Than Lovers of Pleasure A Christian Approach to Pleasure in an Entertainment Culture
Moving Pictures: Theologizing At The Movies
This article shows that entertainment, movies, the film industry, and media all convey a message, which includes ideologies, values, world-view, philosophy, and theology. The author discusses how he reviews movies in order to understand their theology and message.
Television and the Christian
Slavery to Entertainment
Leisure Time and the Christian Lifestyle
Competition and Sports
The Art of Constructive Loafing
Christians, Holiness, and Popular Entertainment
Taming Television Can it be Done?
Christians and Sports
The Christian Mind in the Church
I Hate my Generation
This article is about our desire for entertainment and our lack of reading and knowledge today.
Don't Read a Newspaper, Read a Book
This article is about the bias in the media, media and entertainment, and media and Christianity.
Our Children and Entertainment
In this article about our children and entertainment, the image of children is also discussed.