Preach the gospel. If necessary, rebuke anyone who says, "If necessary, use words."
How Well Should Pastors Be Paid?
1 Timothy 5:17-18 and 1 Corinthians 9:9-14 make it clear that the pastor must be paid. The question is, how do you decide the stipend of the pastor? This article gives six guidelines the church can consider for the pastor's salary.
One Covenant under God
The author reviews our understanding of a covenant. Involved in the analysis are comparisons with the present-day secular understanding of contracts and litigation and the sinfulness of humanity. The author finds an example of a covenant or contract in the one between the creator God and the created man, Adam and Eve, at the beginning of creation.
A World of Tomorrows
The article focuses on the ethics of work, citing laziness as one great sin of our day.
Bread and Circuses
The article looks at the event of the fall of Rome to the Goths, considered to be barbarians. The author notes that when the barbarians invaded Rome, they were bringing themselves to a place where the gospel could be proclaimed to them and they could repent.
The One, Great War
The author refers to a major topic in the letters of Paul, the topic of war. God's people are at war against evil and the devil. There is also war within believers, as they war against the flesh.
What’s Our Problem?
Our problem, this article says, is evil. It traces the origin of all evil in the world to the sin of Adam and Eve. Subsequently, it states that repentance and faith in Jesus Christ are the only remedy to this problem.
Our Fundamentalist Betters
This article evaluates the historical differences that emerged between the fundamentalists and the evangelicals in North American church history. The author notes that it was the uncompromising zeal of the fundamentalists that won them the position of being better able to guard the truths of the Christian faith.
The Power of His Glory
The author shows believers the difficulty of loving Jesus and his glory more and more in a sinful world in which believers are constantly drawn towards the attractions of the world.
Cults ‘R’ Us
It is becoming increasingly difficult to use the word "cult" from a Christian point of view. This is because those who have been lured by the culture of relativism (including Christians) have developed their own definition of a cult, which is identified as a religious group that stands on the truths of the Word of God.
Changing the World
This article wrestles with the issue of the differences between cultures and how that may appear in the way these cultures understand the message of the cross of Christ.
Let It Not Be Named Once
The author gives a vivid picture of the grim decline in sexual morals, especially in the United States, focusing mainly on the practice and tolerance of homosexuality.
Laying Down Our Lives
What sort of church members must a congregation have? What are they to be taught and what are some of the important values to be held by a congregation member? This article attends to these questions, in relation to the priesthood of all believers.
Jesus Christ Superstar
This article evaluates modern methods of evangelism which seek to contextualize Jesus. Modern pop culture "celebrates" Jesus in many ways - but is this biblical?
No Accounting
Why do we not delight in the Pentateuch? Is it just a matter of preference? What should our perspective toward the Pentateuch be?
American Idols
Is the adoration of famous personalities in the entertainment industry - such as TV, movie, or sports stars - idolatry?
The Wait of Glory
Sophisticated Lady
This article is about the distinction between church and world. The author also discusses the church and consumerism (marketing), and the church as the one catholic and apostolic church.
The Moral of the Story
This article looks at the love people have for Jesus, but not for the real reason he came to earth. The author discusses Jesus Christ and our atonement, and the offence of the gospel.
The power of His glory
"You want to know what your problem is? You don’t love Jesus enough. I know this not because I know you, but because I know me. I’ve got the same problem. My wife has the same problem, as do my kids. The sheep in my flock suffer from the same problem". This article looks at the relation of love for God and sanctification. The author also discusses seeking God and our holiness, and holiness in society and culture.
Civilization & its Discontent
This article is about the expectation of the new heaven and earth and the worldly hope and optimism and the idea of utopia we find in our society today. The author also looks at the joy and the patience of the kingdom of God.