- Nature and being of God (32)
- Trinity (53)
- Attributes of God - General (72)
- Impartiality of God (1)
- Anger and wrath of God (38)
- Love of God (44)
- Majesty and glory of God (17)
- Patience of God (6)
- Repentance of God (6)
- Sovereignty of God (41)
- Names and Titles of God (6)
- Presence and absence of God (12)
Precious Promises God’s Promises Promote Holiness in the Believer
Thinking Rightly
God's Ultimate Purpose
The author discusses the plan of God in its natural unfolding in the history of revelation. The author thus refers to the initial stage of creation as a state of perfect harmony.
Can We Know God?
Knowing God can only happen when God reveals Himself in Christ. Christ is the center of scripture; therefore, God's revelation is about Him. True knowledge of Him leads to salvation in Him.
What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of God
The author in this article embarks upon giving a brief survey on what is normally termed the doctrine of God. His discussion includes the description of God as the Infinite Spirit, the Redeemer of sinners, and the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The Vision of God in Philo and John – A Comparative Study
Philo of Alexandria was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in the first century A.D. Hagner is interested in the mysticism of Philo and his vision of God as material for comparison with the Gospel of John's doctrine of God.
John Feinberg's "No One Like Him"
This article introduces and reviews the book No One Like Him on the doctrine of God.
The Problem of God
The loss of God in modern society is a theological problem. How do we speak about God? This problem is multi-dimensional. Clark explores three of these dimensions.