About Love or Why I Hate Attraction
What exactly does "I do" at a wedding mean? Does it have anything to do with attraction? The article uses these questions to address one feature of real love, both within and outside of marriage.
What exactly does "I do" at a wedding mean? Does it have anything to do with attraction? The article uses these questions to address one feature of real love, both within and outside of marriage.
The article deals with the marriage covenant, one entered into by human beings. However, God has made covenant promises to his people, which, unlike human covenants, cannot be broken.
This article stresses the importance of a husband or wife clearly making their spouse their number one priority in life, over and above any other relationship. It provides three keys to doing so.
This article explains that according to Ephesians 5:22-23, husbands are to lead in love in their marriages.
What is it that makes a marriage Christ-centred? This article offers nine elements.
This article considers the notion that the furthering of one's marriage is a lifestyle rather than a sporadic exercise. The article offers a list of questions to use for self-examination in marriage.
Communication in marriage should be guided by four biblical principles: seek to know and be known; seek to achieve a oneness of understanding; build trust; and build one another up spiritually.
This article is about marriage and the relationship of the Trinity. The author also looks at marriage in Genesis 2, marriage and fellowship, and equality and submission in marriage.
This article is about same-sex marriages.
Are you seeking fulfillment from your marriage? Many people enter marriage thinking that it will bring them fulfillment. The article explains that while your marriage is not meant to fulfil you, it is supposed to point you to the greater marriage that will satisfy you.
"Sexual sin" usually refers to sinful behavior outside marriage. But can sex within marriage also be sinful? This article describes three ways in which sex can be harmful in marriage.
Has your marriage met all the expectations you were promised it would? Many engaged couples are given misleading expectations about marriage. This article provides us with five myths about marriage that can help you reconsider your marriage expectations.
How do you pursue a happy marriage and home as a Christian husband? Stop pursuing the happiness of your wife and start pursuing Christ Jesus, in order to bless your wife with what she longs for: a godly husband.
Here are seven practical ways to help you cherish your spouse.
How can a Christian husband cherish his wife in marriage? This article presents six things he can give his wife.
How can a Christian wife cherish her husband in marriage? This article presents six things she can give her husband.
This article offers ten things that help a couple to avoid the tragedy of infidelity in marriage.
Are finances a source of conflict in your marriage? This article considers seven things you can do to put your marriage finances in order to achieve peace and unity with your spouse on the matter.
Wouldn't it be much better if we entered marriage at the end of the sanctification process? This article considers this question, the attraction to its concern, and the design of God that marriage reach its beauty through a painful process.
Is your marriage affected by financial infidelity? What is that? Is there information you are hiding from your spouse about your finances? This article gives guidelines on how to deal with this situation and improve your finances in marriage.
Is money a bone of contention in your marriage? This article offers seven tips to help you agree on handling money in marriage.
How can single Christian men pursue biblical manhood? This article points to five things: examination and repentance, find community, take responsibility, be a gentleman, and look not for a girlfriend but for a wife.
This article urges husbands to be the spiritual leaders in their marriages, according to Ephesians 5:25-28. It provides several ways in which husbands can lead their wives spiritually.
This article explains how cohabitation before marriage weakens the latter, for a temporary commitment always weakens a permanent commitment. Marriage, rightly understood, is all about permanence.
Why is there no tension in the Bible between ministry and family? Because marriage is the clearest picture of the gospel in the world today, and your marriage is one of the best forms of evangelism in the world today. How do you converge marriage and mission work? This article weighs in.
The Bible expects the husband to lead his wife. How does a husband provide leadership? There are seven things he can do to provide leadership in the home.
As a Christian husband, you are called to lead your wife. How do you exercise your headship and shepherd your wife? Shepherding your wife can be done through these seven things, which the article unpacks.
How can you save your marriage from transactional living? This article discusses what this means, and four things you can do to avoid it and enjoy a lasting marriage.
Can two Christians who are divided theologically get married? This article looks into this question and lays down crucial issues to consider for marriage between two Christians who are theologically divided.
This article discusses marriage through the lens of 2 Corinthians 3:1-12.
From Ephesians 5:25 this article shows that man is called to love his wife. It shows that such love mirrors Christ's love.
1 Timothy 3:4-5 make clear that Christian husbands are called to be good managers. This article considers what that means.
This article, addressed especially to Christian wives, explains how in some instances of marriage problems, trying harder to accommodate the husband becomes destructive to her, the husband, and the marriage. The article offers a better way in such circumstances.
Wedding vows can be made with the awareness of your inability to fulfil them in your own strength, and yet the belief that God will enable you to do so. This article explains that this is so because marriage vows are done on the basis of the Triune God.
This article outlines five thoughts on what it is to be a faithful wife.
To build a healthy marriage one must know that some things do not call for a response of forgiveness. This article identifies three things in particular.
This article speaks to the pain of childlessness in marriage, and shows how couples are to serve God whether he has entrusted children to them, or in his providence has withheld children from them.
Why is it that a Christian woman ends up marrying a non-Christian? It happens in many churches. Do you want to know the reason? This article examines reasons that lead to mixed marriage, and what to do about it.
Do you think that an affair starts with sex? This article shares six steps toward unfaithfulness in your marriage.