Reflections on the Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite
Wedding – or Alarm Bells Can a Christian Accept an Invitation to a Same Sex Wedding?
The Case Against Civilisation is Built on a Strong View of (Heterosexual) Marriage
Homosexuality: A Matter of Orientation
Is someone born a homosexual? This article discusses one of the arguments used to justify homosexuality—the idea of being born gay. It shows that homosexuality comes from distorted desires and a disorientation from God.
Western Ideas: Chameleon-Christianity
Chameleon Christianity is enmity against Christ, for it is a drifting away from the truth of the gospel. This article examines ideas that contribute to this drifting: environmentalism, the homosexual movement, and abortion calls. It shows how the church can remain true to the gospel.
Were David and Jonathan Lovers?
This article answers the question more often raised in the homosexual debate: were David and Jonathan lovers? What is the most faithful way to understand their close relationship described in 1 Samuel?
Androgyny: The Pagan Sexual Ideal
Jones argues in his article that in order to understand the contemporary sexual revolution, the “new sexuality” in its homosexual expression must be seen as an integral expression of age-old religious paganism. Jones gives an overview of the modern revival of paganism. Characteristic is the erasing of the distinction between the sexes.
The Meaning of "Nature" in Romans 1 and Its Implications for Biblical Proscriptions of Homosexual Behaviour
What is the meaning of "nature" in Romans 1:26-27? Does it refer to "what is natural to me"? This article wants to make a grammatical, historical, and contextual study of the word "nature" in this context and reflect on its significance for a homosexual lifestyle.
What's Wrong with Homosexuality?
This article explains that homosexuality is wrong because the Lord condemns and hates homosexual activity.
God's Salvation for the Homosexual
Out of the Closet, Into the Light
This article is on the topic of homosexuality. The author states that homosexual behavior is sinful rebellion against the seventh commandment and, like living in other sins, results in exclusion from the kingdom of God. However, true repentance from a homosexual lifestyle results in forgiveness and justification. This article also discusses the biblical role and attitude of the church in relation to homosexuality.
God's Word in Battle with Homosexual Temptation
This article is a beautiful story of the liberation of one person from homosexual desires through God's grace.
Letter About How to Relate to a Relative Who is Homosexual
This letter about how to relate to a relative who is homosexual was written to a real person based on a real situation.
Beliefs about Homosexual Behavior and Ministering to Homosexual Persons
This is a statement drawn up by the Baptist General Conference concerning homosexuality and ministering to homosexual persons.