Raising Christ-Like Children
This article discusses a helpful way in which parents and the broader body of Christ can bring up children to bear the image of Christ.
This article discusses a helpful way in which parents and the broader body of Christ can bring up children to bear the image of Christ.
This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of control, where parents want to prevent their children from gaining in independence.
When do you open the door for your children to access social media? This article provides a number of talking points for parents to cover with their children.
What are ways your ministry can equip parents with what they need to lead their families? This article suggests a number of tools helpful in this regard, including resource lists made readily available for parents.
This article encourages parents to make wise decisions and set good examples for their families in their choice of media in the home. Parents must stand guard, stimulate and spirituality, spend time with the children. The article lays out five practical questions for parents to consider in creating a strategy for their own families.
This article stresses the value of parents being the primary disciple-makers of their children, rather than handing over this responsibility to professionals.
Christian parents are called to raise their children within the covenant calling God gave them. Part of this is that they are called to apply discipline to the children. How do parents do this? What is the purpose of this discipline? This article shows the biblical roots for discipline and the way it can be applied positively and negatively, then looks at the purpose of discipline.
This article shows how Christian parents should regard their children first and foremost: as brothers or sisters in Christ.
Substance abuse, television, ungodly music, sports, and internet are threats facing parents in their parenting duty to their covenant children. This article discusses these threates, and how parents can combat them.
Every child the Lord entrusts to parents will spend an eternity either in heaven or in hell. This article offers several helpful practices for parents to put into place in order to aid their goal in being faithful stewards of these little ones.
Honouring our parents is a lifelong duty. This article shows some ways we can apply Ephesians 6:1-3 as adult children. We are to be thankful for our parents, talk to them, ask for their advice, pray for them, encourage them, tell them the truth, and take care of them.
This article looks to offer youth a perspective on communicating with parents. It explains that parents have a God-given authority over their children, they also have wisdom, and they are sinners. These are things that teenagers and young people should remember in their communication with their parents.
This article raises points for parents to consider in helping their children grow in eagerness to read the Bible.
This article reminds parents that change in their children is the work of God alone. This is intended to foster parents' dependence upon the Lord, and their function as agents, not authors, of change.
The fifth commandment is not only directed to children. Parents are called to live lives that are worthy of honour. This article suggests three ways for parents to do so.
Do children have obligations toward their parents? The fifth commandment, Mark 7:9-13, and 1 Timothy 5:3-4 help in answering the question of financial obligation towards parents.
Is your father someone you can glory in? God gave parents abilities and opportunities to provide for their children. He also gave them authority over their families, has endowed them with life experience, and has made them His representative. All of these things qualify their parenting call, and makes them deserving of respect.
Parents have a responsibility toward their children when it comes to their children marrying. The Bible tells us that believers should not be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers in marriage. This article shows the way such a mindset can be cultivated through family instruction in children's lives while they are still young.
Parents have a responsibility toward their children when it comes to their children marrying. The Bible tells us that believers should not be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers in marriage. This article shows the way such a mindset can be cultivated through family instruction in children's lives while they are still young.
God has called parents to administer discipline toward their children. This article shows how parents should administer this discipline.
This article looks at parents' biblical calling to administer discipline toward their children. This discipline is guided and limited by God's word and love for God and the child.
This article looks at the biblical call for parents to administer corrective discipline toward their children in order to keep them from the path of sin.
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
God created boys and girls to be different with different roles and different struggles. Therefore, parents should be prepared to raise their sons in a different way from their daughters. This article discusses parenting sons to raise them as covenant children in the fear of God.
God created boys and girls to be different with different roles and different struggles. Therefore, parents should be prepared to raise their sons in a different way from their daughters. This article discusses parenting sons to raise them as covenant children in the fear of God.
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article focuses on the way the father exercises his authority during the child's different stages of growth.
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article shows that fathers should in their actions mirror our Father in heaven.
Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit photos or messages between cell phones. This is one of the misuses of mobile technology. This phenomenon has become popular especially among teens, and has extended to social media. How should Christian parents react to this?
Three reasons motivate Christian parents to pursue Christian education for their children: instructing children in the ways of the Lord, instructing them only in the truth of God, and instructing them to serve God. The responsibility belongs to both parents and children - children are to be diligent in their studies, and parents are to be supportive. With this approach, Christian schools become a way of worshiping and glorifying God.
Should parents who do not send their children to catechism classes be disciplined? The author shows that this has been a conviction in the history of the Reformed Churches. He shows the need for catechism and the benefits it has for the church. The author maintains that instruction in the Heidelberg Catechism is linked to the promise parents make to their children at their baptism.
Christian parents are called to raise their children within their covenant calling. Included in this calling is an obligation to discipline. This article looks at the biblical basis and purpose of dicipline, and how it can be used both positively and negatively.
Who has the responsibility to educate children? A proper understanding of the covenant has great implications for the education of children. This article shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping parents responsible for education. The author extends a call to parents to heed to this call rather than leave the responsibility to government.
This article discusses the role of parents and church in governing Christian schools. The author shows that based on the covenant, the authority to govern the school lies with parents. The church council plays a supporting role in Christian education, and helps to hold parents accountable to their responsibility.
Looking at Luke 23:41-42, this article shows that the way Desiderius Erasmus treated the text did not do it justice. The dying thief who received forgiveness is not an example of "mere Christianity." The text shows that the thief knew a lot about Christ and His kingdom.
Based on Philippians 4:8-9 this article aims at helping parents encourage excellence in their children. It gives some practical ways of communicating with children in such a way that they are encouraged to do well.
This article is aimed at helping parents deal with rivalry and competition between their children.
This article is about the involvement of parents in Christian schools. It shows how parents can support Christian education through prayer, involvement in the running of the school, financial support, volunteering, etc.
Showing that parents have the ultimate responsibility for the education of their children, this article calls on parents to take this responsibility in sending their children to Christian schools or to home school their children. The author argues that there are very few, if any, reasons for Christian parents to send their children to public schools.