Where Is the Lord God of Elijah?
Acts 1:9-11 – Christ in His Ascension Greater Than Elijah
The Significance of Elijah in James 5:13-18
Faith in the Face of Apostasy – The Lord Our Provider
Elijah’s story begins in 1 Kings 17:1-6 and demonstrates that the Lord, not Baal, is the provider for his people. Dillard explores this theme in the first scene in 1 Kings 17.
Faith in the Face of Apostasy – Christians and the Old Testament
In Chapter 1 the author wants to encourage Christians to read the Old Testament as part of their heritage. To facilitate the reading and understanding of the Elijah and Elisha narratives, he encourage his readers to take note of at least three different historical horizons that intersect in these narratives. The first horizon is the historical background of the incidents. The next horizon is the historical background of the author.
Elijah the Broken Prophet
This paper raises three issues that often trouble readers of the Elijah narrative in 1 Kings: the nature of his miracles, the problem of his character, and his place within the prophets of Israel.
The Strengthened Parent and Teacher
The Promise of the Arrival of Elijah in Malachi and the Gospels
Was John the Baptist the fulfillment of the promise of Malachi 3 and Malachi 4 concerning the prophet who was to come on the day of the Lord? Kaiser offers a hermeneutical solution to this question as a generic fulfillment, meaning that Elijah has come "in the spirit and power" witnessed in John the Baptist, and will yet come in the future.