Why the Ascension of Christ Matters for Your Life
How does the ascension of Christ affect the Christian life? This article discusses three reasons why Christ's ascension matters for Christians.
How does the ascension of Christ affect the Christian life? This article discusses three reasons why Christ's ascension matters for Christians.
This article introduces a number of hymns that can be used in corporate worship for Ascension, Pentecost, and profession of faith.
This article reflects on the significance of the cloud in Jesus' ascension into heaven, as the "Shekinah Glory" and the presence of God. It further supplies resources to help plan and prepare an Ascension Day service.
Ascension is the crowning event of Jesus' ministry. This article wants to encourage churches to take the celebration of Ascension Day more seriously as part of the liturgical calendar.
Did you know that believers are seated with Christ in heaven, and therefore are reigning with Christ? This article shows what the ascension of Christ means for the Christian today.
Why is the ascension of Jesus important? There are three reasons that this article raises on the matter.
Luke presents the ascension as the climax of his gospel. He also presents it as the most striking element in the introduction to Acts. By using these ascension accounts to form the link between the Gospel of Luke and Acts, Luke seem to indicate its significance for a proper understanding of his theology and purpose.
Why did Christians make the ascension of Jesus part of their confession of faith? This article explains the theological significance of the ascension and gives four implications it has for the Christian life.
There are three ways in which believers benefit from Christ’s ascension. This article explains these benefits.
What is the connection between the ascension of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? The church fathers made use of the antithesis between descent and ascent, often found in Scripture, for their understanding of the relationship between Christ's ascension and the coming of the Spirit.
The focus of the study is on John 20:12. The author uses the whole of John 19:38-John 20:18 as a basis of his study. He reflects on the possibility to see in John 20:12 an allusion to the ark of the covenant. Lunn finds a number of related allusions in the immediate context. He further explores the theological implications of such allusions from the Torah.
What is the glory of God? This question is answered by Gaffin as he opens up Paul’s theology of glory and shows how it is linked to important themes such as the gospel, the image of God, and Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
The ascension expresses to us Christ's omnipresence and his heavenly ministry. This article explains.
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 18 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Jesus' ascension is a real historical fact. This article provides seven reasons why Christ's ascension was necessary.
This article describes what Christians confess in the Apostles' Creed when they say, "He ascended into heaven." Christ's ascension sealed his work of salvation, shows Christ's kingship and rule, and points to the continuing work of Christ in this world through the Holy Spirit.
This article describes what Christians confess in the Apostles' Creed when they say, that Christ "ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty." By his ascension Christ secured a place for believers in heaven, and sits at the right hand of God as king and priest.
This article examines how the resurrection, ascension and enthronement of Christ relates to our salvation. Christ's resurrection seals salvation, His ascension gives us guarantee, and His enthronement points us to Christ's Lordship.