Mark 14:1–52 - Preparation for Death
Mark 11:1–12:12 - The Coming of the King
Mark 9:30–50 - Self-Love and Discipleship
Mark 10:1–52 - Marriage, Materialism, and Ministry
Mark 8:1–38 - Pharisaism and Discipleship
Mark 9:1–29 - The Transfiguration, Faith, and Unbelief
Mark 6:30–56 - Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee
Mark 4:35–5:43 - Christ Conquers Foes
Mark 6:1–29 - The Kingdom Honored and Dishonored
Mark 4:1–34 - He Taught in Parables
Mark 1:14–45 - The Kingdom Comes
Mark 2:1–3:6 - Jesus Clashes with Religious “Experts”
Mark 1:1 - Introduction to Mark’s Gospel
Jonah 1:1-3 - What’s Wrong with Jonah?
Jonah 3:4–10 - How Revival Happens
Raising Christ-Like Children
This article discusses a helpful way in which parents and the broader body of Christ can bring up children to bear the image of Christ.
Why You Should Think About Death
Are you prepared to die? Many people are not prepared to die, nor prepared to even think about the prospect of death because of a fear of death. This article explains why it is valuable for you to think about death.
Help! I'm a Spiritual Fake
This article discusses from 1 John four fruits of confession of your sins.
Three Traits of a Biblical Leader
What does a biblical leader look like? This article discusses three important qualities that a loving leader needs to have.
How to Share God's Love through Hospitality
This article provides ways in which you can share the love of God through hospitality, whether at home or at church.
How to Be Free in Christ
Christians have been set free from the bondage of sin through faith in Christ. However, our Christian freedom does have restraints. This article show that the Bible teaches a wise and proper way of enjoying our Christian liberty. 1 Corinthians 6:12 and 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 are brought into the discussion for consideration.
Five Actions of Faithful Evangelists
Are you concerned about the salvation of souls but are not sure how to evangelize? This article provides five things a faithful evangelist should do.
How to Not Have Sex Before Marriage
The Bible teaches that sexual immorality is sin and that none should engage in sex before marriage. This article discusses a way that the unmarried in the church can exercise self control over their desires, so that they may maintain their purity for the glory of God.
Helps for Doubting Christians
This article provides clear biblical encouragement and advice to believers who struggle with doubt.
Becoming a Hospitable Church
Piety within Proper Bounds: John Calvin on Christian Worship
How to Not Have Sex before Marriage
How can single Christians practice purity and chastity to the glory of God? This article considers the question, addressing the issue of the threat of sexual sin, including sex before marriage. The author calls for coming to terms with who you are in Christ, and taking responsibility for your sexual purity.
Three Ways to Face the Flaws in Your Reformation Heroes
The heroes of the Reformation were not perfect. How should we respond to the sins of the reformers? Here are three ways that you can face their flaws.
I Don't Love to Pray, but I Want To
Prayer is not always easy. How can we overcome this struggle? This article considers what a well-known catechism teaches about prayer, in order to help breathe life into our prayer habits.
Can I Be Thankful for Church?
What are the things you are thankful for in your church? From Philippians 1:3-8 this article explains three things you can be thankful for.
Ten Benefits of Church Small Groups
Small groups play a role in the life of some churches. Here are ten benefits of such groups.
Three Things Baptism Teaches Us about the Christian Life
This article explains how baptism illustrates our guilt, God's grace, and gratitude.
The Place of the Church among the Poor
Does the church have an obligation toward the poor? To answer this question one must define what poverty is, which is this article's starting point. It explains that poverty is about both the poor and the rich. It then highlights three things the church cannot ignore in relation to poverty.
Six Things to Remember for a Successful Marriage
What makes marriage a success? Here are six things you should not forget if you desire a successful marriage.
How to Be Thankful for Your Messed-Up Church
Is thanksgiving for your church part of your prayer? Philippians 1:3-4 gives three things you can be thankful to God for your church, even when it is in a mess.
Six Realities to Reinvigorate Your Prayer Life
How can you reinvigorate your prayer life? Here are six realities you need to embrace to regain the joy of prayer.
The Path to Ecumenicity
The Atonement and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Bernard of Clairvaux “O Sacred Head”
Christ Our High P-R-I-E-S-T Remembering Christ’s Work on the Cross
Christianity Is a Religion (Thank God!)
Election, an Incentive to Missions
The First Thanksgiving A Historical Introduction
Five Things Teens Want Their Parents to Know ... But May Not Be Telling Them
From the Grave to the Sky Gaining Godly Fear for Faithful Living
Helps for Doubting Believers
How to Not Leave the Church
Jesus’ Thirst and Our Spiritual Rehydration
Introduction to Puritanism
Loving the Incarnation John 1:1-5, 14-18; 1 John 1:1-4
Resisting Traditionalism
The Benefits of Catechetical Preaching
Scoping Out Apollos Nine Marks of a Healthy Christian
The Duty of Discipleship Edifying the Church Inter-generationally
Sexual Integrity: Honoring God inside and outside of Marriage
A Well-Ordered Church - The Church's Relation to Christ
This book discusses the identity, authority, mission and ecumenicity of the church. This chapter focuses on the identity of the church. The author maintains that one cannot think about the church without thinking about Christ, and one cannot confess faith in Christ without being a member of the church.
Hebrews 12:3-11 - Trading Temporary Pain for Eternal Gain
How to Grow Spiritually Using God's Ordinary Means of Grace
The Five Points of Calvinism (6): Perseverance of the Saints
This article looks at perseverance of the saints. The author shows the need for such perseverance, God's provision for this perseverance, and the assurance of this perseverance.
Endure Hardship! Calling Young (and Old) to Join Christ's Army
Growing Healthy Children An Alternative to Provocative Parenting
Affectionate Initiative: A Call for Loving, Leading Husbands
Biblical Personal Finance Earning and Spending for God's Glory
The Five Points of Calvinism (1): A Historical Introduction
The Church's Missionary Task: Obeying God's Call to Reap in His Fields
Join or Die? Addressing the Question of Church Membership
Making a Marriage: God's Blueprint for Marital Success
The Office of Christian Man: Applying Christ's Three-Fold Office to Men
John 19:25-27 - Behold Your Mother! The Legacy of Jesus' Love for Moms
Christian Community: Seeking Contentment without Complacency
Choice Words: A Matter of Life and Death
Scoping Out Apollos: Nine Marks of a Healthy Christian
The Duty of Discipleship: Edifying the Church Inter-Generationally
Hebrews 12:3-11 - Thriving Under God's Discipline: Trading Temporary Pain for Eternal Gain
Can God's discipline make your life flourish? This article show that you can thrive under God's discipline if you know what God's discipline is, how to respond to it, and what it produces (Hebrews 12:3-11).
Group Bible Study: Are We Wasting Our Time?
This article share some guidelines for effective group Bible study; namely: keep the Bible first, use the creeds, plan, prepare, take notes, work as a group, and apply the word. Page 8.
Honor Your Mother: Live Long and Prosper
1 Corinthians 15 - A Resurrection Overview: The Crux of Christian Hope
Romans 5:1-5 - The Fruit of Justification: Victorious Living in the Light of God’s Smile
Does your life show the fruit of justification? This article shows from Romans 5:1-5 that justification results in peace with God, access to God, a sense of God's glory, a proper perspective on pain, and a heart filled with God's love.
"Piety within Proper Bounds": John Calvin on Christian Worship
What should the worship service be like? This article looks at John Calvin's principles on worship, which state that worship must be God-focused, biblically based, and spiritually simple.
Luke 23:32-43 - Three Speeches From Three Crosses
Godly Hospitality
Election: Friend or Foe to Evangelism?
Effective Group Bible Study
A Model Sermon
Avoiding Chronological Snobbery
Church history should be part of the devotional life of a Christian. Through church history we see the sovereignty of God, learn to talk about the biblical teaching, recognize heresies, remain rooted, understand church practices, and live courageously for Christ.