Four Ways You Can Demonstrate the Gospel to Your Children Today
There are four ways of demonstrating the gospel to your children in your parenting. They have to do with struggles, promises, discipline, and apologizing.
Biblical Relationships for Effective Discipline
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
Parenting: Coping with the Stress of Growing Children
Reading Aloud in the Home
Are Parents Responsible for the Attitudes of Their Children?
The Duties of Parents: The Sins of Children
The Duties of Parents: The Early Years
The Duties of Parents: Virtues
The Duties of Parents: Younger Children
The Resurrection-Believing Parent and Teacher
The Peace-Seeking Parent and Teacher
Parental Catechizing of Youth
Teaching Children about God
Four Unexpected Ways to Teach Your Kids about Grace
Christian parenting must model God's grace to the children. How do you teach children about grace in your parenting? This article shares four ways.
The Importance of Family Education
Five Misconceptions about Parenting That Will Hinder Your Children from Coming to Jesus
Six Truths about Parenting That Reorient Everything
Psalm 51 gives six truths that are essential for your parenting. This article shows how the psalm reveals the deepest needs of children.
Four Ways to Launch Your Child’s Future
Preparing children for the future is part of your parenting. How do you do that? This article explains the importance of knowing your child's friends, design, opportunities, and communication style.
Parenting: The Joyful Impossibility
Can parenting be joyful? Joyful parenting happens when you are aware of these two things: you cannot change your children, and you need grace.
Happy Child = Easy Life
Why is parental discipline important? With consideration given to 1 Kings 1:6, this article explains that parents in their exercise of authority are called to reflect the authority of God, and therefore parenting needs to include the disciplining of the child.
Setting a Parental Agenda
Earth-Bound Parenting
Your parenting reveals where your heart is. Which treasure does your parenting reveal, earthly treasure or heavenly treasure?
Why Parenting Strategies Won't Work
What you need for parenting is not another strategy, but a parenting that is gospel-centred. This article gives fourteen principles for parents to help them parent the gospel way.
Covenant Children
Parenting as Shepherds
Driving Them Mad There are so Many Ways for Fathers to get it Wrong
Why Christian Parents Should Not Want Good, Happy, Safe Kids
This article discusses what cruciform, or cross-centered, parenting looks like. It confronts rather than ignores sin in the life of the children. It trains the children toward moral and physical courage.
Four Priorities for Every Gospel-Centred Parent
The Traumatic Teens Parental Idols can make Adolescence much More Difficult
James McInnes (Clachan, Kintyre)
Four Ways to Avoid Health and Wealth Parenting
Is your parenting caught in the trap of health and wealth parenting? Good parenting is one that teaches children to be prepared to also face suffering. This article explains four ways to do this.
Six Ways to Make Christ Central at Home
As parents how do you build a Christ-centred home? This article shows how Deuteronomy 6:6-9 can shape parenting in order to make a home Christ-centred.
Four Simple Ways Fred Elliot Discipled His Children
Discipling children is the call of every parent. What can we learn from the lives of those who went before us? This article looks at how Fred Elliot, the father of Jim Elliot, discipled his children. There are four things we can learn from his parenting.
Diligently Teaching Our Children to Spot Counterfeit Gods
The idols of choice, sex, and acceptance are counterfeits gods to many young people. How can parents in their parenting help their children spot these counterfeit gods and disciple their children for Christ? This article offers some advice.
The 4 S’s of Parenting
Making Disciples at Home
Parenting is part of discipleship. This article is a call to churches to partner with parents and equip parents to make disciples at home. The article discusses the different ways the church can be involved in this ministry of equipping parents.
Six Breathtaking Examples of Motherhood from History
Sanctifying Our Children
Current Threats to Raising God’s Covenant Children
Substance abuse, television, ungodly music, sports, and internet are threats facing parents in their parenting duty to their covenant children. This article discusses these threates, and how parents can combat them.
The Uniqueness of Christian Parenting
Maintaining Authority in our Homes
All authority is ordained by God. This article explains the implications of this for the exercise of authority in the Christian home. It examines the exercising of authority in parenting and the role of children in submitting to authority.
Being the Hand of God: Godly Parenting in an Ungodly World
Parenting Well in a Digital World
The digital world poses some challenges to parenting. These challenges can be overcome by rejecting ignorance and embracing education, rejecting folly and embracing responsibility, and rejecting fear and embracing familiarity. These are ways that parenting well can be done in a digital world. The article expands on this.
10 Lessons on Parenting Little Ones
Parenting little ones can be a challenge at times. This article offers ten lessons which should shape biblical parenting.
The Two Kinds of Conversation You Need to Have with Your Children
In their parenting, parents need to have face-to-face conversation and side-by-side conversation with their children. This article explains.
Fathers (and Mothers), Do Not Provoke Your Children!
Can you as a parent be the reason why you had that angry response from your children? According to Ephesians 6:4 it is possible that you can provoke your children to anger through your parenting. The article explains in some detail.
5 Bad Substitutes for Discipline
Parents have the responsibility of training their children in obedience through discipline. This article discusses five poor substitutes for disciplining children that parents may fall into in their parenting.
Three Parenting Myths We Are All Tempted to Believe
Nurture Your Children
Parenting children in such a way that children are nurtured for Jesus Christ can be challenging. This article explains the reasons for and ways of parenting.
Ephesians 6:4 – One for the Dads (and Moms)
How can parents obey Ephesians 6:4? Parenting that does not provoke children to anger is parenting that values authenticity, involvement, and humility.
What Every Young Person Needs to Know
What are important things a Christian should know before leaving home? To help parents fulfill their parenting duty, this article discusses ten important things that every young person should know, which will enable them to live their Christian calling.
Treasuring Others
Have you realized that your brothers and sisters in Christ are one of your heavenly treasures, already for the here and now? This article explains that reality, and how it shapes your daily life, whether that's parenting, small talk, prayer, or confessing sin.
Covenant and Culture
The author describes most of the lives of believers as closely associated with covenants in one way or another. He focuses on the community of believers who have to learn to keep the covenantal duty of living with others as brothers and sisters together in a covenant community. Other aspects of the covenant life include marriage and parenting.
How to Parent: "Give Them Grace"
The Rewarded Parent & Teacher
The Harvesting Parent & Teacher
The Covenant – Focused Parent & Teacher
The Strengthened Parent and Teacher
The Consistent Parent and Teacher
Parenting by God’s Promises Dr. Beeke interviewed on his book:
The Humble Parent and Teacher
Guarding Girls
Proverbs 22:6 – Misplaced Guilt
Castle Made of Sand
Communicate with Teens
Kids, Character, and Catechism
When we develop the character of our children, we mark their souls morally and ethically. This parenting involves ploughing and planting the Word of God in them. One tool God provides for this is the catechism. The catechism provides children with solid, thorough knowledge in today’s confusing world. It gives a workable framework within which we can live.
Growing Healthy Children An Alternative to Provocative Parenting
The Heart of a Little Girl
The Way of Weakness in Covenant Nurture
Fathers: The Glory of Children
Is your father someone you can glory in? God gave parents abilities and opportunities to provide for their children. He also gave them authority over their families, has endowed them with life experience, and has made them His representative. All of these things qualify their parenting call, and makes them deserving of respect.
Raising our Covenant Daughters
Raising the Sons of the Covenant (2)
God created boys and girls to be different with different roles and different struggles. Therefore, parents should be prepared to raise their sons in a different way from their daughters. This article discusses parenting sons to raise them as covenant children in the fear of God.
Raising the Sons of the Covenant (1)
God created boys and girls to be different with different roles and different struggles. Therefore, parents should be prepared to raise their sons in a different way from their daughters. This article discusses parenting sons to raise them as covenant children in the fear of God.
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (2)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (1)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
What Have We Done Wrong?
Why is it that some children raised in Christian homes rebel against Christ? This article deals with the guilt many parents have over the rebellion of their children. The author maintains that parents should not be discouraged in their parenting, but continue to teach and be examples while praying for the conversion of their children.
The Power of Example
It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over
Looking at Luke 23:41-42, this article shows that the way Desiderius Erasmus treated the text did not do it justice. The dying thief who received forgiveness is not an example of "mere Christianity." The text shows that the thief knew a lot about Christ and His kingdom. The author of this article argues that the thief could have learned this from his childhood; thus, this text can be used to encourage parents in their parenting call.
Exodus 20:5 – Punishing the Children for the Sins of the Fathers
A Requiem for an Old-fashioned Virtue
What Does it Mean, Fathers Do Not Exasperate Your Children?
Apple in Right Hand while Bringing Up Children
God's Heart for Children
From Generation to Generation We Will Recount Thy Praise
Love, Dating, Sex and You
"Barb" Wire “The child is father of the man.” (Wordsworth)
Disastrous Times for Children
Proverbs 22:6 – The Training of the Child
Disciplining our Children
Special Children
Being the Hand of God
Responsibilities towards Children
This article is about parenting, education and discipline. Christian values and the relationship of parents and children are also discussed.