The Father and His Family
The Christian: A Son Seventh in Series: What Is a Christian?
Father from Origin
The Use of the Father Image in Imperial Propaganda and 1 Corinthians 4:14-21
Metaphors referring to family life played an important role in the formation of the New Testament and the early church. This article explores one aspect of the use of family metaphors, namely, the image of a father, used metaphorically by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:14–21 to assert his apostolic authority in the church in Corinth.
"Father" Imagery in 2 Corinthians 1-9 and Jewish Paternal Tradition
This aricle reflects on the significant role the metaphor of "father" played in the pastoral practice of Paul. It indicates that a major line of Paul’s use of paternal imagery can be traced back into the Old Testament and early Jewish tradition. This is noted in the manner in which he corrects his converts in 2 Corinthians 1-9. The article concludes that Paul appears to owe much more to his ancient Jewish environment for his use of the paternal metaphor than has often been assumed.
The Parable of the Prodigal Father: An Interpretive Key to the Third Gospel (Luke 15:11-32)
Is the parable in Luke 15:11-32 primarily about a son or a family? This article chooses to approach the parable from the perspective of the father and not the son. It calls attention to the generous actions of the father in the parable. This parable is then placed against the background of the larger understanding of the excessive goodness of God, as expressed in the Gospel.
The First Duty of Fatherhood
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Father
When God Looks Like Your Earthly Father
Your view of your heavenly Father is largely determined by your view of your earthly father. This article suggests ways to dislodge tainted understandings of the heavenly Father and replace them with a truly biblical view.
God as Father: Two Popular Theories Reconsidered
Our Father and His Creation
Godly Manhood in the Home – As King
Godly Manhood in the Home – As Priest
Godly Manhood in the Home – As Prophet
My Son, We Need to Talk
The Heart of a Little Girl
God Our Father
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 9 of the Heidelberg Catechism. It is a great comfort for the child of God to know that the almighty God is his Father. This article discusses the meaning of confessing God as our Father, and the comfort this holds for the child of God.
Fathers: The Glory of Children
Is your father someone you can glory in? God gave parents abilities and opportunities to provide for their children. He also gave them authority over their families, has endowed them with life experience, and has made them His representative. All of these things qualify their parenting call, and makes them deserving of respect.
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (2)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (1)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (2)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article focuses on the way the father exercises his authority during the child's different stages of growth.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (1)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article shows that fathers should in their actions mirror our Father in heaven.
The Lord's Prayer (Part 1): Our Father
This is the first article in a seven part series on the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer can be used as a model for our prayer. Most important in prayer is our attitude toward God. Here we are encouraged to approach God as our Father in heaven. At the same time, we are reminded that His Name is glorious and deserves to be honoured through our lives (the first petition).
Our Triune God
The Christian faith is monotheistic in a way which is different from the Jewish faith and Islam. When the Bible speaks about the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it attests to the Triune nature of the biblical God. This Triune God is the God which Christians confess.
Prayer: To Whom Do I Pray?
Judges 11 - Three Bad Dads of the Bible (Part 2)
This is the second in a trilogy of articles which looks at Eli, Jephthah, and David as biblical examples of bad fathers. This article focuses on Jephthah and the promise he made which sealed the fate of his daughter, as recorded in Judges 11. Though this example the author tackles the issue of many fathers today being spiritually ignorant.
2 Samuel 13 - Three Bad Dads of the Bible (Part 3)
This is the third in a trilogy of articles which looks at Eli, Jephthah, and David as biblical examples of bad fathers. This article focuses on the relationship of David to Tamar, and how David responded to rape of his daughter. Through this example the author tackles the problem of fathers being absent from their family.
Arguments Supporting of the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 12)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father. The author discusses the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator, with emphasis given to the obedience of the Son to the Father and the intercessory work of the Son.
Arguments Supporting of the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 11)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father. The author discusses the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator, with emphasis given to the wrath of the Father on the Son and the obedience of the Son to the Father.
Arguments Supporting of the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 10)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father. The author discusses the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator, with emphasis on the economy of the covenants - a covenant between the Father and Son.
Arguments Supporting of the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 9)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father, discussing the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator.
Arguments Supporting of the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 8)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father, discussing the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator.
Arguments Supporting the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 7)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father, discussing the way in which the Father was involved in the coming of Christ as Saviour and Mediator.
Arguments Supporting the Doctrine of Limited Atonement (Part 6)
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article focuses on the role of the Triune God in working out atonement. The focus of this article is on the role of God the Father.
The Teaching Father
Father's World
John Murray and Prayer to the Trinity
Psalm 103:13-14 - A Father's Pity
This article shows (from Psalm 103:13-14) how God as Father treats us, and what that means for our fatherhood. This text is all about the compassion of God.
Addressing God as Father
Ephesians 6:4 - God's Plan for Raising Children
A Godly Father's Counsel to His Children
Father - Fragments of a Eulogy
Luke 2:49 - The Boy Jesus
Who Suffered?
Five Things I Wish I Had Known ... about Being a Father
This article is about the place of the father in parenting. The author also looks at the children's image of their parents, sin and weaknesses of the parents, being judgmental and critical in parenting, and the ability to listen in child rearing.
God is Love
In the book of 1 John, the apostle John points out much about the character of God to the Christians to whom he is writing. He has taught them that God is Light, He is Spirit, He is eternal. He is a Father. But perhaps the most clear picture he gives of God is that God is love. The article discusses the meaning of 1 John 4:7-21.
Does God "Visit the Sins of the Fathers on the Children"?
God's visitation of the fathers' sins on the children is never a simple punishment of innocent children for what the fathers did. The children are always guilty themselves of a sinful and rebellious life as the fathers' sins bear fruit in the lives of their children. (Exodus 20:5-6; Deuteronomy 5:9-10)