The Paradoxical Pattern of Jesus' Life
Christ's saving work in overcoming the enemy was accomplished through Christ himself being overcome. This article explains that we should reflect in our own lives this paradoxical pattern of the Lord's life, where we overcome through faith while suffering. For God causes all things to work together for our good.
When God Feels Far Away in Your Suffering
Your Weaknesses Are Not a Problem for Jesus
What do you do when you are experiencing affliction and pain? Many people feel sorry for themselves and crumble under the pain. The article carefully reminds us that the Lord Jesus is bigger than our suffering, and our weaknesses are nothing Jesus cannot handle.
An Open Letter to the Suffering Christian
David Powlison's Answer to the Question "Why Me?"
Ten Thing You Should Know about Suffering
In this life there will be suffering. What is the cause of suffering? How should we respond to suffering? This article looks at suffering from 1 Peter, and explains ten things you should know about suffering.
When We Suffer, How Does It Help to Know Jesus Is the "First and Last"?
How should we respond to suffering? This article explains from Revelation 2:8-10 that our response must be shaped by the knowledge that Jesus is the "First and Last."
Where Is God in All of This?
The author shows how 1 Peter, along with other Bible passages, helps believers to gain perspective on their suffering, so that in their suffering they come to know God in his love, mercy and grace.
Judging God
Speaking Through Silence
The author makes the point that those who are suffering are comforted by the silent presence of fellow believers.
The Blindside of Suffering
Help to the Hurting: A Response to the Shooting in Las Vegas
Basics for Discipleship in Suffering
This article provides sound biblical advice for providing discipleship to those are suffering.
Five Pillars of Faith for Times of Suffering (Part 3)
This article presents five essential truths that form a filter through which we view suffering, and that therefore impact how we minister God's grace and truth to each other. The author's overarching concern is to contribute to a theology of disability.
Ye will not get leave to steal quietly to heaven, in Christ’s company, without a conflict and a cross.
The Heart Knows Its Own Bitterness
A Pastor’s Reflections: Cruciform Ministry and Joy
The Christian life is a cruciform life. Christians are called to sacrifice themselves. This article offers two reasons why Christians can be joyful even in trials and suffering.
Suffering and a Theology of Glory
The Christian life is presented in the Bible as suffering that leads to glory. Based on this understanding this article evaluates the claims of the health and wealth gospel with a specific focus on Joel Osteen.
Ten Practical Tips for Helping Hurting People
How do you reach out to hurting Christians? This article outlines ten practical tips you can use to bring comfort to Christians facing suffering or pain in their lives.
Weeping with Those Who Weep
The unity of the church has implications for caring for each other as the church. This article explains what this means for weeping and suffering with Christians who are weeping and suffering, locally and globally.
Why You Should Avoid Stoicism and Fake-Happiness When Suffering Hits
How should Christians respond when suffering hits? There are two responses they must avoid and one response to embrace. This article explains how the gospel shapes the way Christians face suffering.
Why God Lets Us Suffer
Suffering is not easy. What is even more difficult is to understand why God allows his children to suffer. This article gives four reasons why God allows suffering.
What to Say When Someone Is in Pain
This article shows some of the unhelpful counsel people offer for those suffering, and advises on some helpful things to say.
An Open Letter to True Believers: Living Through Afflictions Christianly
Ten Things You Should Know about Suffering
Hope When You Face More Than You Can Bear
How do you gain hope in afflictions? Understand the reality of suffering, the reason for affliction, and then respond with hope.
Is God Punishing Me for My Sin?
When Christians face suffering, does it mean that God is punishing them? There is a difference between punishment and discipline, as this article explains.
What Every Christian Needs to Know about Evil and Suffering
Now and Not Yet There’s One Certain Answer: That Given to Job
The Tower to Which the Righteous Run Suffering and the Sovereignty of God
When Suffering Sets Us Free
What is God doing with your suffering? From 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, this article explains that God wants to comfort you, comfort others, and draw you near.
Four Ways to Sense God through Suffering
Suffering can actually liberate you and help you grow deeper in your relationship with God. How? This article explains four ways that Christians can perceive God is with them in suffering: they can do so through the gospel, God's Word, prayer, and worship.
Eight Ways to Comfort the Suffering
The goal of discipleship in the midst of suffering is to bring comfort in Christ. Knowing that people suffer differently, what are ways to comfort the suffering? This article looks at eight of them.
Teach Your People to Suffer
This article explains how very difficult suffering can be an incredible blessing, and encourages church leaders to prepare their people for suffering. It is a present reality, produces sanctification, increases fellowship, and produces hope.
Speak into Suffering
Four Anchors in the Crucible of Pain
He Suffered
The suffering of Christ is essential to the comfort of the believer in his suffering. This article examines the nature of Christ's suffering, the reason for it, and how it relates to the believer’s suffering.
Even in Your Pain, the Church Needs You
Do your pain and suffering drive you away from the body of Christ? Hurting church members are still part of Christ's body and they are needed for the health of the church. This is what the article explains.
Why Are You Suffering? Here’s God’s Answer
With an eye to Job, this article reckons with the question, where is God in your suffering? It discusses three truths about suffering: God doesn't promise to keep us from suffering, he doesn't promise earthly goods, and he works through suffering. So the article shows how we can find hope in suffering.
Three Tear-Wrought Lessons on Suffering
How should Christians face their suffering? 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 gives three lessons for our experience of suffering and dealing with suffering.
Spiritual Hardiness in a Cushy World
The Sovereign God’s Care for His Own
Should the Holocaust Force Us to Rethink Our View of God and Evil?
This article reflects on the impact the Holocaust has had on Jewish-Christian relations. The problem of evil is recognized as an age-old dilemma for biblical theists; it does not take on special meaning in light of the Holocaust. The same issues as are found in the book of Job.
Don't Waste Your Suffering (Part 2)
How can you make the best of your suffering? You can pursue certain means by which your faith may be strengthened. This article identifies several means, such as knowing God and his goodness.
Don’t Waste Your Suffering (Part 3)
How can you make the best of your suffering? This article suggests avoiding the temptation to succumb to idolatry—hanging contentment on Christ plus something. The article explains this by looking at possible idols from your past, present, and future. It issues the call to train ourselves to delight in all that Christ has done for us.
Don't Waste Your Suffering (Part 1)
This article considers three ways we can waste our suffering, all of which have to do with our eyesight. Suffering exposes the nature of our trust, as in, how much or little we look to God. There are two common sources that weaken our faith: looking too much at the problem, and listening too much to our emotions.
God’s Providence and Evil
If God’s providence embraces all things, does it mean that God is the one who sends suffering and afflictions? This article’s answer is: yes.
Reliance on God in Affliction
This article shows from 2 Corinthians 1:8-10 that one of the reasons for suffering is that we would rely not on ourselves but on the God of the resurrection.
God's Lachrymatory
Colossians 1:24 Again: The Apocalyptic Motif
This article includes exegetical remarks about Colossians 1:24 and the role of suffering.
Keeping Body, Soul, and Life’s Troubles Together in Balance
Understanding the relationship between body and spirit and how they affect each other is important to answering the question of suffering. When is suffering the result of your personal sin and when is it not? This article gives two principles to think about.
Ministering to the Suffering
This article offers nine reminders for Christians as we minister to those who are suffering. It brings Scripture to bear on the matter, urging great wisdom in how we speak to the suffering.
2 Corinthians 1:8 – Paul's Affliction in Asia
This article considers 2 Corinthians 1:8 and the theme of suffering and affliction in the life of the apostle Paul.
Suffering for Christ: A Gift of Divine Grace
This article shows from passages like Philippians 1:29 how suffering for Christ is a gift of God's grace, established and used by him.
Suffering, Chastisement, and the Fatherly Love of God
Is there a relationship between suffering and the discipline of God? Looking at Hebrews 12:3-17 this article shows how at times suffering goes together with discipline in the Christian life.
Thirty-Six Purposes of God in Our Suffering
Does God have a purpose for your suffering? This article shares thirty-six purposes of suffering.
God’s Tapestry
At times it is difficult to see how God is at work. This article explains that one day we will see the tapestry that God is weaving through our suffering and good works.
Two Surefire Ways to Avoid Persecution
Christians should expect persecution and suffering. Is there a way to avoid being persecuted? This article explains that there are two ways, both of which are less than godly.
Gospel Weariness
This article argues that suffering produces gospel weariness: it creates a desire of wanting to see suffering ended.
John Calvin in the Valley of the Shadow of Death
This article discusses the suffering of John Calvin, and what Calvin himself had to say about suffering.
Do I Really Need to Suffer?
Many Christians have come to spiritual maturity through suffering. Does it mean every Christian must suffer in order to be mature? What is the relationship between maturity and suffering? It is this questions that this article answers.
8 Ways God Works Suffering for Our Good
Do you battle to understand how God works suffering for your good? This article mentions eight ways he does.
But Others Have It Worse
James – Wisdom for Life's Tests (James 1:1-27)
Redemptive Suffering and Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
What is the purpose of the use of modern medicine? Should all attention be given to the relief of pain and suffering? Does the quest for health and the prolonging of life at all costs become a way for health-care providers to function as modern priests, dispensing immortality?
Suffering, Step One
EMDR and the Meaning of Suffering
What is a godly way of working through suffering? This article begins by discussing a treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, yet it goes beyond promoting certain techniques by encouraging biblical ways of examining pain and suffering.
Suffering and the Purpose of Acts
What is the purpose of Acts? House gives a short survey of the approaches to the purpose of Acts, which helps us to see a number of main motifs of the book. The article wants to link the historical and theological aspects of the book. Five different functions of suffering and persecution in Acts are discussed.
Lessons on Suffering from Job
How Long, O Lord – First Steps
Why Does It Have to Hurt? – Why Is There Suffering at All? A Look at Genesis 3
Chapter 1 wrestles with the question why there is suffering at all. It first reflects on what suffering is. Next it unfolds the origin of human suffering by expounding on Genesis 3 and throwing light on the different contexts in which suffering is experienced. The chapter ends with questions for further reflection.
Why Does It Have to Hurt? – A Problem for All Seasons
This chapter is about the mystery of suffering. In the Introduction the problem is stated, but not answered.
Theology Matters When Counseling the Suffering
How can you help those who are suffering? What is needed to counsel those who are suffering is a theology of suffering. Such a theology considers who God is, the origins of suffering, the why of suffering, God's response to suffering, and the end of suffering.
When Love Lets Us Suffer
God's Grace and Your Sufferings
How can you make sense of pain? Based on 2 Corinthians 11:24-28 this article shows that pain, evil, and suffering can make sense when one acknowledges the reality of it, the purpose of it, and God's providential involvement in it.
The Problem of Evil in the Book of Job
Why is there evil in life? Understanding the relationship between the existence of evil and the sovereignty of God and his goodness is essential for every Christian. From the book of Job this article show how suffering relates to God, with focus on the purpose and way of dealing with suffering.
The Sovereignty of God: An Anchor in the Midst of the Storms of Life
How to be comforted in suffering? The answer is found in knowing the sovereignty of God. This article explains what the Bible means by God's sovereignty and it shows how this is the source of comfort in suffering.
The Problem of Observed Pain: A Study of C.S. Lewis on Pain
This article is a study of C. S. Lewis's reflection on the problem of pain and suffering.
Bringing Christ into the Problem
This article argues that a lot of discussions on theodicy make no reference to Jesus Christ; they simply theorize on the nature of a deity who can scarcely bring meaningful comfort to people. Rather, the problem of evil and suffering in the world should be resolved in Jesus Christ and his cross.
Comfort for Suffering Saints Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590)
Reflections on Pain
Christ's Glory in His Sufferings and Descension into Hell
Wilderness University
Christ-Likeness Through Suffering
Fire in God's House: Imagery from Malachi 3 in Peter's Theology of Suffering (1 Peter 4:12-19)
The Unseen Sources of Suffering: From the Biblical Text to a Sermon Manuscript on Revelation 6:1-8
How can severe calamity exist in a world governed by a good God? The author reads Revelation 6:1-8 as an answer to the question whether suffering is merely part of a chaotic world.
I Shall Come Forth as Gold
The Works of Faith and Assurance
If we are justified by faith, why must we still do good works or works of righteousness? The article attempts to answer this question from the point of view of 2 Peter 2:5-10 and also includes aspects of the believer's attitude in a context of suffering.
Why Do We Suffer?
The article discusses the problem of suffering among believers. By reference to 1 Peter, the author dismisses unbiblical views about suffering and provides guidelines to follow for Christians to be able to handle suffering.
Participating in Suffering
How should believers view suffering, especially the kind that comes as a result of them being followers of Christ? With a focus on the relevant passages in 1 Peter 4, the author addresses this issue and points towards the glory that is to be attained at the end.
My Father Planned it All
Christian Attitudes on Suffering
Romans 8:18 - The Incomparable Glory
"Colossians-Style Discipleship"
Suffering – The Gift Nobody Wants
Unquenchable Joy
What should a believer's reaction to suffering look like? This article discusses James' exhortation in James 1:2 which encourages Christians to rejoice in trials. This joy acts as a testimony to the world of the presence of the Lord Jesus in the believer's life. To withdraw and dwell in self-pity is to sin against God, who has blessed us with many things in this life and the next.
No Pain, No Gain
Hebrews 13:2-4: Living by the Royal Law
Looking at Hebrews 13:2-4, this article sheds light on how believers can apply the royal law of love (James 2:8)? The author highlights spiritual exercises such as hospitality, prison ministry, and sharing with those who are either suffering or rejoicing.