Election of Elders
This article is about the election of elders and deacons in their office in the church. This article also looks at the methods of election.
Appointment of Deacons
In this article on the appointment of deacons, the author also gives a historical overview of the office of deacon as well as a discussion on deaconesses.
The Work of Deacons
This article looks at the task of deacons: their work with the poor, with unbelievers, distribution of the alms and offerings, and deacon visitations.
Finding New Office-Bearers
The Duties of Elders
Parity of Office-Bearers
The Work of Elders
Censura Morum
Are Deacons Members of the Consistory?
Resignation from Church Office
This article shows that God calls men to serve as officebearers in the church. Therefore, no one should render resignation from church office without the consent of the church council or classis.