The Sinews of the Church
Ten Things You Should Know about Church Discipline
What is church discipline? Why is church discipline necessary? Here are ten things you should know about church discipline.
The Chastisements of God
A Loving Father Disciplines Those He Loves
This article reminds those who are going through a crisis that God uses suffering as discipline to train believers in faith and holiness, and that discipline is confirmation of his love for them.
Parenting: Coping with the Stress of Growing Children
Safe in the Communion
Marks Of The Church: Church Discipline An Act of Love
Is God Punishing Me for My Sin?
When Christians face suffering, does it mean that God is punishing them? There is a difference between punishment and discipline, as this article explains.
The Love of God
The love of God is a jealous love. Because of this, God will always discipline his children, in order to show them his love. The article shows this from Judges 6:1-6.
Disciplining Children
Disappearing Discipline The Church is in Danger of Sinking into a Morass of Relativism
No Cane Do?: How Should We Discipline Our Children?
Church Discipline Marks of a Healthy Church 11
Discipline of Covenant Children
Christian parents are called to raise their children within the covenant calling God gave them. Part of this is that they are called to apply discipline to the children. How do parents do this? What is the purpose of this discipline? This article shows the biblical roots for discipline and the way it can be applied positively and negatively, then looks at the purpose of discipline.
How Church Discipline Can Be Like Doctor Shopping
Can church discipline be like doctor shopping? It can when the church gives membership to someone running away from his church because of discipline.
Called to Rule
Elders are called to give oversight in the church. This work includes exercising church discipline. This article shows that church discipline is broader and narrower. It discusses aspects of the broader discipline that must constitute the work of elders.
Suffering, Chastisement, and the Fatherly Love of God
Is there a relationship between suffering and the discipline of God? Looking at Hebrews 12:3-17 this article shows how at times suffering goes together with discipline in the Christian life.
Discipline and Missions
Church discipline is not reserved for established churches alone. This article argues that it must be administered in mission churches since discipline is a mark of the true church. It discusses where it must be administered and the importance thereof.
5 Bad Substitutes for Discipline
Parents have the responsibility of training their children in obedience through discipline. This article discusses five poor substitutes for disciplining children that parents may fall into in their parenting.
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parent
Discipline your children—you’ll love them and they’ll love you. Is that true? Read how this article applies Proverbs 13:24 in the context of parental discipline.
To Save His Soul from Death A Stern Tenderness
Hebrews 12:3-11 - Trading Temporary Pain for Eternal Gain
Hebrews 12:3-11 - Thriving Under God's Discipline: Trading Temporary Pain for Eternal Gain
Can God's discipline make your life flourish? This article show that you can thrive under God's discipline if you know what God's discipline is, how to respond to it, and what it produces (Hebrews 12:3-11).
Discipline of Members-by-Baptism
Church Discipline
Rare as a White Crow (2)
This article warns against the danger of abandoning church discipline. Church discipline is important because it is means of protecting God's covenant - the life of fellowship with His people. In these two articles the duty of officebearers in administering discipline is explained.
Rare as a White Crow (1)
This article warns against the danger of abandoning church discipline. Church discipline is important because it is means of protecting God's covenant - the life of fellowship with His people. In these two articles the duty of officebearers in administering discipline is explained.
Disciplining Our Covenant Children in Love (2)
God has called parents to administer discipline toward their children. This article shows how parents should administer this discipline.
Disciplining Our Covenant Children in Love (1)
This article looks at parents' biblical calling to administer discipline toward their children. This discipline is guided and limited by God's word and love for God and the child.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (3)
This article looks at the biblical call for parents to administer corrective discipline toward their children in order to keep them from the path of sin.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (2)
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (1)
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
Calvin’s Struggle for Church Discipline
It was Martin Bucer’s influence on Calvin which made him to return to Geneva with the mandate to restore church discipline there. Despite opposition, John Calvin was not deterred. Calvin restored the church to be self-governing and independent. Discipline should be applied both to life and doctrine, with no exceptions for office bearers. This article gives three reasons for discipline in the church.
Discipline of Covenant Children
Christian parents are called to raise their children within their covenant calling. Included in this calling is an obligation to discipline. This article looks at the biblical basis and purpose of dicipline, and how it can be used both positively and negatively.
The Church and Her Ordinances
The church is the bride of Christ. The author of this article discusses the means of grace, church ordinances, church government and discipline from this perspective.
The Power of the Church in Laws and Discipline
Restoration Must Always Be Our Aim - Forgiveness
Is there a difference in the way individual Christians and the congregation as a whole deals with offences? How should we administer discipline, and what role does forgiveness play?
Hebrews 12:5-11 - Discipline: A Father's Hand
This article on Hebrews 12:5-11 shows how God's discipline is necessary for believers. Through His discipline, God proves His love for us and improves our love for Him.
Church Discipline
My Child Needs Discipline
Overseers of the Church
The Discipline of God
This article shows that church discipline is a sign of the true church, and that God uses it to promote godliness in His children.
Freedom and Discipline in the Church
Signs That Church Authority is Being Abused A study of John 9:13-35
A Legal Analysis of Church Discipline in Canada
Child Sexual Abuse and the Duty to Report
The Elder and the Administration of Discipline
The Preparatory Stage of Discipline
The Description of Church Discipline
Concerning the Holiness of the Church
Rebuke Me Already!
Discipline in the Christian School
The decline of discipline in many public schools is a call for concern. The author of this article highlights the importance of maintaining discipline in Christian schools.
The Forgotten Mark: The Biblical Concept Of Church Discipline
Church discipline is a means of education, and works to train God's people to walk in godliness. This article shows that this mark of the church is often neglected, and outlines why and how proper church discipline should be exercised.
What Does it Mean, Fathers Do Not Exasperate Your Children?
The Use of the Rod in Chastening Children
Apple in Right Hand while Bringing Up Children
Running the Race
Spanking Children and the Limits of the Civil Law
Disciplining our Children
Loving Discipline
Censura Morum
Responsibilities towards Children
This article is about parenting, education and discipline. Christian values and the relationship of parents and children are also discussed.
Hebrews 12:5-11 - God's Love Hurts
Love and Punishment
Dare We to Discipline?
Adoption and the Well-Being of the Sons
Suffering: Is There an Answer?
As the Twig Is Bent
How do we Discipline Christianly?
Unity and Discipline in Christ's Church
Discipline: Prosecution or Pastoring?
In this article on teaching, the author discusses the problems with teaching, the task of the teacher to explain, to motivate, to discipline and to be a model. The author also looks at the personal struggles of the teacher.