Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!

Regardless of the size of the church, every church within the church federation forms the body of Christ. Therefore, no church should accept members from another church without the consent of the church where the members are coming from. In this way the boundaries of churches in the federation are respected.

The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 30 The Government of and Offices in the Church

Christ governs His church through the office bearers. How do we know this? Based on Article 30 of the Belgic Confession this article explains different approaches to church government, the role of elders and differences between the elders and deacons. It also explains the danger of hierarchy and independentism. 

The Church's Book of Comfort – The Continued Relevance of the Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism cannot be detached from history. If the historical context of this confessional statement is ignored, its special character will not be recognized. Chapter 7 places the Catechism in its historical and theological context. It is compared with the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and other catechisms. Finally, criticism of the Catechism and the continued relevance of the Catechism are considered.

The Other Confession of Guido de Brès

Though Lutherans and Reformed believers may have their differences, this article shows that there was a time when they were close allies. It does this by looking at the effort of Guido de Brès in trying to unite the Reformed and Lutherans together, pointing out that when he wrote Article 29 of the Belgic Confession about the false church, Lutherans were not considered as part of this category.

The Relevance of Article 29 of the Belgic Confession for Today

With the availability of so many Reformed churches, is it still possible to apply the Belgic Confession Article 29 in speaking about the true and false church? Looking at the three marks of the true church, this article shows that Article 29 is applicable even today, both to mark the true church and guide Christians in choosing the right church as they seek to obey the command of Christ.