Adam, God’s Covenant Friend
A covenant is a bond of friendship and love. This article shows that it is such a covenant in which Adam was created to live.
Man: God’s Unique Creation
Calvin and the Covenant: Unity and Continuity
Helm argues in this paper that John Calvin's theology and the covenant theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith are in essential doctrinal agreement. He describes what he understands covenant theology to be and what Calvin's conception was of the relationship between Adam and the human race, and compares that with Calvin's English successors.
Romans 5:12 – Was Adam a Historical Figure?
This article, through the lens of Romans 5:12, offers a thorough consideration of whether Adam was a historical figure, and it concludes with some thoughts on what the historical Adam gives us as believers.
"All Mankind, Descending from Him..."?
This article evaluates from a biblical perspective the arguments against Adam as a historical person. In doing so, it considers the relationship between Scripture and science, as well as the biblical relationship between Adam and Christ.
Must We Believe in an Historical Adam?
Did science disprove the historicity of Adam? To answer the question of the historical Adam, one must look at the limits of science and of Scripture, which this article examines. It looks at the relationship between the historicity of Christ and that of Adam and the gospel.
Jesus the Son of God – "Son of God" as Christological Title
Chapter 1 considers the significance of Jesus Christ being called Son of God. In Scripture we see that Adam, Israel, King Solomon and Israel are all called “son of God.”
Adam a Determinative Hermeneutic in the Bible
This article argues that our understanding of Adam and the Genesis account is crucial for Bible interpretation. Denying Adam as a real person in real history has devastating consequences on our understanding of the Bible, of mankind, sin, salvation, and other topics. This article demonstrates how this is so.
In Defense of the Historical Adam
Was Adam a true historical figure? To answer this question the article looks at the context of the biblical account on the creation of Adam. It concludes that if Adam was not a true historical figure then there is no need for a Saviour. It also means that the Bible cannot be trusted as a source of literal truth.
Adam, Eve, the Gospel, and the Truthfulness of Scripture
The Unfolding Mystery – The New Man
What does it mean that Scripture is fulfilled in Jesus Christ? Wherein lies the unity of the Bible? Chapter 1 is an exercise in a redemptive-historical approach to an understanding of Scripture in which the stated questions are answered. The author reflects on the significance of Jesus being the image of God in the light of Adam who was first made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27).
Adam's Fall and Mine
How can God be just by counting us guilty based on the fall into sin? This article looks at three theories that attempt to answer this question: the mythical view that treats that story of the fall as a myth, the realism view that claims that mankind actively sinned with Adam, and the federal view which shows that original sin does not refer to the first sin but to the result of that first sin because Adam acted as our representative.
The Creation and Historicity of Adam and Eve
Were Adam and Eve actual persons? Can we still speak about a historic fall into sin? Kaiser summarizes some of the teachings of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 that form the background for his investigation into these questions.
Garden Temple
Beale notes the cultic affinities drawn between the garden of Eden and the temple of Israel. The word pair usually translated as "cultivate" ('abad) and "keep" (shamar) occur together in the Old Testament elsewhere referring only either to Israelites "serving" God and "guarding" (keeping) God's Word, or to priests who "keep" the "service" (or "charge") of the tabernacle.
Rhythms of Grace – The Song of Eden
This book is a challenge to worship leaders to discover how the gospel reshapes every dimension and element of worship. The author makes the bold statement that the gospel is the story of worship. In Chapter 1 he starts to tell that story at Genesis 2 in the Garden of Eden. Worship is rooted in the eternal love of God.
Should We Still Believe in a Historical Adam?
Has the study of history proven the impossibility of believing in the historicity of Adam? This article addresses this question, warning the reader that questioning the historicity of Adam results in a drastic revision of the doctrine of original sin.
All Mankind Descending From Him...?
Was Adam a true historical human being, from whom all mankind descended? This question is posed as a result of scientific findings. Looking at Romans 5:12-19 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, the author answers this question by showing that failure to accept the historicity of Adam alters the biblical teaching on sin and salvation.
The Creation and Fall of Man (4): Man Created Good, Yet Able to Sin
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (5): Extremely Long "Days" & Death Before the Fall
The Origin of Death
Genesis 3:15 - The Gospel in Eden
Our Make-Believe Parents: When Adam Becomes More Fiction Than Fact
This article looks at the biblical account and the science of the historicity of Adam. The Bible is God's revelation, and is objective and concrete truth.
The Eternal, Inextricable Link
This article shows how the link to the covenantal heads constitutes the antithetical view to life. Individuals are connected either to the first Adam or the second Adam - Christ Jesus. This connection shapes the practice of apologetics for Christians. The author discusses the antithesis from Romans 5:12-21.
Adam and Eve
This article contends for the historicity of Adam and Eve and the belief that Adam was the first person and the father of all. Denying the historicity of Adam is equal to denying the Christian account of sin and evil, a Christian understanding of God, and the rationale for the incarnation, cross and resurrection of Christ.
Genesis 2:19-20 - Did Adam Have Enough Time to Name All the Animals?
I Wasn't There!
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 6
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 6 is about Adam and original sin.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:2 is about Adam, free will and freedom.
Adam and Evolution
Genesis 3:9 - Where Art Thou?
Adam and Eve – Then and Now "Who was the First Man? Adam."
Did Adam Exist as a Historical Person?
Was Adam the First Human? Evangelical Organizations are Getting into the Act of Convincing their Fellow Believers to Accept Evolution
Little Innocents?
This article is about the sinfulness of our children. The author discusses total depravity, Adam and original sin, and the parenting of sinful children
Was Adam an Historical Person?
This article is about Genesis 1-3 and if we have to view Adam and paradise as a historical person and event. The article looks at salvation and historical facts, and the fall in sin and redemption. It also looks at the origin of sin from the viewpoint of evolution. The relation between Adam and Jesus Christ is also discussed.