A Torrent of Error Closing the Gulf between Calvin and Calvinism
On Biblical Theology
This article explains the various areas under biblical theology: covenant theology, literary theology, typology, and ritual theology.
Particular Baptist Covenant Theology
This article gives an explanation of the covenant theology of the Particular Baptists.
The Five Points of Calvinism and Covenant Theology
This article details the five points of Calvinism and how they fit into the Bible's covenant theology.
Calvin and the Covenant: Unity and Continuity
Helm argues in this paper that John Calvin's theology and the covenant theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith are in essential doctrinal agreement. He describes what he understands covenant theology to be and what Calvin's conception was of the relationship between Adam and the human race, and compares that with Calvin's English successors.
Gospel until the Law: Romans 5:13-14 and the Old Covenant
Kline considers the role Romans 5:13-14 played in formulations of classic Reformed and covenant theology. The role and function of Adam and Christ is considered in relation to the Law.
The History of Covenant Theology
The article shows how the history of covenant theology extends beyond the Reformation, all the way back to the time of the early church.
Legitimate Discontinuities between the Testaments
In what way is there continuity between the Mosaic covenant and the new covenant? Covenant theology is known for its emphasis on the unity and continuity between the testaments. Karlberg surveys the development of federal theology. He tries to understand the strong and sometimes even aggressive debate surrounding these issues.
Kingdom through Covenant – Covenants in Biblical-Theological Systems: Dispensational and Covenant Theology
Both dispensational and covenant theology are ways in which believers “put together” their Bible. These systems serve as interpretive grid to understand the storyline of Scripture. Chapter 2 compares and contrasts dispensationalism and covenant theology to see how they relate different covenants and to better understand both approaches. Different varieties of dispensationalism and covenant theology are discussed.
The Significance of the Syn-Compounds for Jew-Gentile Relationships in the Body of Christ
What is the nature of the continuity and discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments? Covenant theology tends to maximize the continuity while dispensationalist theology emphasizes the discontinuity. This paper aims to narrow the gap by discussing a neglected dimension of New Testament data: Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
Is It the Case That Christ Is the Same Object of Faith in the Old Testament? (Genesis 15:1-6)
What or who was the object of faith in the Old Testament? Kaiser reflects on whether the content of faith changes for each dispensation or group of people. He confronts views of dispensationalists like Charles Ryrie. Kaiser argues that covenant theology makes the content of faith in both Testaments the same: it is faith in the Messiah, rather than a general trust or belief in God.
Introduction: On Covenant Theology
What is covenant theology? The answer given here is that covenant theology is a way of reading the Bible. This article shows how covenant theology is essential for understanding the gospel, Scripture, and God.
A Brief History of Covenant Theology
This article traces the development of covenant theology from the early church fathers through the medieval period, to the Reformation and the 20th century.
Covenantal Education
Introduction to the Reformed faith
This article looks at the Lordship of God and his control and authority and presence, and the importance of covenant theology in Biblical theology.