Do You Have the Right Friends?
Do You Love Your Friends Enough to Hurt Them?
A true test of friendship is whether you are willing to rebuke and admonish your friends. This article discusses this reality, taking its direction from Proverbs 27:5-6.
Adam, God’s Covenant Friend
A covenant is a bond of friendship and love. This article shows that it is such a covenant in which Adam was created to live.
The Gift of Friendship and the Godliness of Good Friends (Part 1)
This article explores and encourages the gift of friendship.
God's Creation of Man: Created God's Covenant Friend
This article describes the covenant relationship between God and Adam in Genesis 1 in terms of friendship. It makes an argument against the covenant of works.
Investing the Ruins: Jeremiah and Theological Vocation
This article reflects on the understanding of a call to be a theologian. The author uses the book of Jeremiah as a resource for this reflection on a theological vocation and the role of friendship in such a calling.
Why Are You Friends with Your Friends?
How can you tell if you have true friends? How can you tell if your friendship to others is true? This article answers.
"The Sister of My Heart": Esther Edwards Burr on Faithful Friendship
A Friend for All Seasons
How to Help a Friend …By Being One First!
The Greatest of Friendship: Developing Friendship with God
The desire for true friendship can only be satisfied in friendship with God. God is a personal, perfect and permanent friend.
Jesus, My Friend
Jesus is described as a friend to believers. This relationship of friendship involves fellowship, communication, obedience, and holiness.
The Friendship of Christ
This article explores the friendship Christians have with Jesus by pointing to Jesus as a Friend who has an infinite understanding of the Christian's situation, who will never forsake His friends, has the power to save and is faithful to His covenant.