Public prayer ought to be the overflow of one’s private praying.
Prayer is God’s appointed means for appropriating the blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus.
Effective prayer is the fruit of a relationship with God, not a technique for acquiring blessings.
You Can't Just Read the Bible
This article explains that when you read the Bible, you do so with presuppositions and theological categories. The author explains their place in reading the Bible.
Did Paul Baptize for the Dead? What does this Puzzling Verse Mean?
The Biblical Gospel
This article mourns the misunderstanding now prevalent in relation to the gospel of Christ. It starts with an attempt to provide a biblical understanding of the use of nouns and verbs related to the word "gospel" and proceeds to explain what is meant by that word. The definition covers the basic message of the biblical story and also details how it must be told today in order to faithfully reflect the biblical message.
Prepare Your Public Prayers: Helpful Advice from D.A. Carson
Prepare your public prayer. Why? Because public prayer is not only done in the presence of God, but also those listening. Therefore, it provides an opportunity to teach a congregation how to pray.
Five Key Realities the Bible Teaches about God's Love
This article offers five truths about the love of God. It speaks about his inter-Trinitarian love, his providential love, his love for the world, his love for his elect, and his conditional love.
Reflections on Salvation and Justification in the New Testament
This article offers some reflections on how the New Testament views salvation and justification. It first notes the common ground in Roman Catholic and evangelical views of salvation.
When Is Spirituality Spiritual? Reflections on Some Problems of Definition
What is spirituality? In general, spirituality has become an ill-defined entity. Carson reviews some current definitions and reflects on the current use of the term, and finally define some priorities for Christians.
The Love of God – Distorting the Love of God?
This chapter wants to serve as a correction of distortions of the love of God. Carson contrasts the distortions with the biblical picture of God's love.
God's Love Compels Us – The Biblical Basis for Missions: Treasure in Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:1-12)
Carson wants to get at the biblical basis for missions. The manner in which he does it is to focus on a specific passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1-12.
How Long, O Lord – First Steps
Praying with Paul – Lessons from the School of Prayer
Chapter 1 is Carson’s summary of eight major lessons on prayer that he has learned from his interaction with Scripture and other mature Christians. At the end of the chapter there are questions for review and reflection.
Praying with Paul – Neglected Prayer
Carson sees prayer as the most urgent need of the church in the Western world today and he wants to encourage the practice of prayer in the church.
The God Who Is There – The God Who Made Everything
Jesus the Son of God – "Son of God" as Christological Title
Chapter 1 considers the significance of Jesus Christ being called Son of God. In Scripture we see that Adam, Israel, King Solomon and Israel are all called “son of God.”
The Gospel as Centre – Gospel-Centred Ministry
This chapter offers a history of how and why the Gospel Coalition was formed. At first it wanted to identify and strengthen the confessional foundation of evangelicalism, and so produced a confessional statement of its own that it discusses herein.
Three books on the Bible: A Critical Review
This article is an extensive review of three books on the inspiration and authority of Scripture: The Divine Inspiration of Scripture by William J. Abraham, The Scope and Authority of the Bible by James Barr, and Biblical Inspiration by I. Howard Marshall.
The Jewish Leaders in Matthew's Gospel: A Reappraisal
How does Matthew present the Jewish leaders in his Gospel? Carson outlines some of the researcher's limitations in this regard and discusses a number of theological problems.
Collected Writings on Scripture – Approaching the Bible
Chapter 1 articulates a short doctrine of Scripture. The author believes that it is doubtful whether a coherent understanding of the nature of Scripture can be sustained where there is not at the same time a grasp of the message of the Bible. It is important to know the God who stands behind the Bible. In the second part of the essay Carson explores the changing face of hermeneutics, and how to interpret the Bible.
Eight Summarizing Words on the Gospel
What should be our understanding of the gospel? From 1 Corinthians 15:1-12 this article shows that the gospel is Christological, theological, biblical, apostolic, historical, personal, universal, and eschatological. Then it shows how this understanding impacts the practice of the Christian life.
"Silent in the Churches": On the Role of Women in 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36
Should women be silent in church? This article examine 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36 to answer this question. It looks at the literary structure of the text, and different interpretations of the text. Then it looks at a possible solution to the meaning of women being silent in the churches.
Fallen – Sin's Contemporary Significance
Chapter 1 distinguishes the doctrine of sin’s intrinsic and contemporary significance. A deeper understanding of the cross of Christ is possible by gaining a deeper grasp of the nature of sin.
Deuteronomy 15:4-5 - Make Poverty History?
This article looks at Deuteronomy 15:4-5, showing that the Bible is realistic when speaking about the issue of poverty. There is no economic system that will fully eradicate poverty; therefore, the focus is on generosity.