The Canonicity of the Four Gospels
The Authenticity of Apostolic Eyewitness in the New Testament
How God Sees Me
Where do you find your identity? The gospel tells us that because of our union with Christ we are no longer defined by sin. We are called according to God’s purpose and given a secure future where we shall enjoy an endless fellowship with God.
Two Ways We Get the Gospel Wrong, One Way to Get It Right
How are you saved? Many people miss seeing Christ as the basis for our salvation and the fountain from which we draw for our moral life. This article reflects on two ways you can misunderstand the gospel, and explains the only way to get it right.
How We Can Know God Wants to Be with Us
The Bible tells us that God is with us, in the world, through Christ. The gospel also teaches us that God pursues us. The article discusses how you can know that God wants to be with us.
Christianity Isn't Just about Forgiveness
Is Christianity simply about forgiveness? This article argues that the gospel message is about not only forgiveness but also restoration through the resurrection of Jesus.
Gospel Theology
How Important Is the Gospel
Why should the gospel be central? This article points to biblical texts to reveal the importance of the gospel for the whole of the Christian life.
One More Reason Why We Stink at Evangelism
Why is it that many Christians are reluctant when it comes to sharing the gospel? What is the main reason for not evangelizing? One of the reasons for not sharing the gospel is that often people do not know what the gospel is. To overcome this problem, the article explains what the gospel is.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Gospel
What is the gospel? When defining the gospel, take into consideration the ten things the article explains.
Walking Straight toward Gospel Truth
What is the gospel and how does it shape life? In Galatians 2:11-16 Christians are not only given the meaning of the gospel; they are also shown how the gospel shapes all of life.
Are Churches Secularizing America?
This article considers why the gospel is absent from much of American Christianity. It explains that many churches in America have embraced moralism, pop-psychology, and therapeutic deism.
When the Good News Becomes Bad
What is a threat to the gospel? When the message of justification is confused with the law, church membership, and work, then the gospel becomes bad news.
How to Care about Social Justice and Get the Gospel Right
How should Christians address the issue of social justice? The answer is not by turning to social gospel but by turning to the true gospel.
Personal Responsibility and the Gospel
My Confession: Toward a More Balanced Gospel
Preaching only the gospel of grace is preaching an imbalanced gospel. This article explains that the balanced gospel is preached when grace and justice are preached together..
The Gospel and Genesis
If Christ Is Not Raised
This article explains the centrality of the resurrection of Christ for the gospel. It discusses what the consequences would be if Christ had not been raised from the dead.
No Soft Soap The Gospel is Confronting, Compromising on that is a Betrayal
The Power Crisis
What Is the Gospel?
Evangelism in the Established Church: Practicing Personal Evangelism – Seeking the Salvation of the Lost
Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers. Often the challenge is how one does it. In this article the goal of evangelism is shared: we want to see the sinner’s salvation in a way that glorifies God for his work.
Moralism Is Not the Gospel (But Many Christians Think It Is)
The Biblical Gospel
This article mourns the misunderstanding now prevalent in relation to the gospel of Christ. It starts with an attempt to provide a biblical understanding of the use of nouns and verbs related to the word "gospel" and proceeds to explain what is meant by that word. The definition covers the basic message of the biblical story and also details how it must be told today in order to faithfully reflect the biblical message.
The Gospel and Justification
For the doctrine of justification by faith alone to be understood, it must be seen within the wider context of the gospel. This article therefore first answers the question, "What is the gospel?" and then tries to explain what both justification and faith are.
The "Gospel" According to Rome
This article showcases the Roman Catholic teaching regarding the essence of the gospel. It demonstrates that according to Rome, salvation is not by grace through faith alone, good works are necessary for salvation, baptism brings forgiveness of sins, Christ's sacrifice on the cross is not sufficient to send the redeemed directly to heaven, and Christ's sacrifice is repeated every time the Mass is celebrated.
The Gospel of the Glory: What Makes the Good News Good News
What is it that makes the good news the good news? This article, in considering 2 Corinthians 4:4, shows that the gospel is the glory of God in the face of Christ.
The Choice … Man's or God's?
What should be the starting point in the salvation of man? With whom should our gospel start? In view of the fact that God elects his people unto salvation, can the church then sit back and wait, and can the sinner can be ignorant and complacent? These are the questions that this article attempts to answer.
The Gospel: An "It" or a "He"?
How would you define the gospel? As something, or someone? This article stresses the need for seeing the gospel as the crucified and risen Christ.
Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?
This article advances several threats to the gospel today, such as attempts to make the gospel social, relevant, or kinder.
The Gospel Was Given for a Time Like This
Are you suffering from fatigue because of the bad things happening in this world? You should be encouraged to know that the gospel was not given to a world without sin, confusion, difficulty, and persecution. It was given to a world marked by every kind of pain and perversity. It was given for a time like this.
Gospel Renewal
The gospel is at the heart of the Christian life. This article argues that the gospel should be an everyday thing. It discusses the joy of the gospel, the change the gospel brings, the identity it creates, and the love of the Father in the gospel.
The Hellenistic "Divine Man" and the Figure of Jesus in the Gospels
In Greek culture in the New Testament period, there were men who claimed to work miracles—wise men who were known as "divine men." There are scholars who in trying to prove a Hellenistic origin of the gospel compare Jesus Christ to these men. The title of Son of God is seen as from a Greek background. This paper compares Jesus with these Greek men
The Uses of the Gospel and the Law in Subservience to the Gospel
Present Day Evangelism
When evangelism makes the winning of souls its goal it is doomed to fall into error. It misses the point that evangelism should have God's glory as its aim. To argue this point, this article looks at what the gospel is.
A Defense of Calvinism as the Gospel
Is Calvinism the Gospel?
TULIP shapes Calvinism's understanding of evangelism. It carefully defines man’s need of God’s grace, and summarizes the great acts performed by the Triune God to save men from their sins. This article shows that the Calvinistic way of presenting the gospel follows in the footsteps of Christ as he presented the gospel.
Eight Summarizing Words on the Gospel
What should be our understanding of the gospel? From 1 Corinthians 15:1-12 this article shows that the gospel is Christological, theological, biblical, apostolic, historical, personal, universal, and eschatological. Then it shows how this understanding impacts the practice of the Christian life.
What Is the Gospel Message?
Evangelism is all about the gospel. What makes the message a gospel message? The gospel message is about God, sin, Christ, and faith and repentance. This article explains these four ingredients.
Life's Biggest Questions – What Are Life's Biggest Questions
Christ the Conqueror
The article is an attempt to discover the gospel message that can be found in Genesis 3:15. Thus the article finds in this verse alone both salvation and judgment, the blessing and the curse, all to be effected through the seed of the woman.
Rhythms of Grace – The Song of Eden
This book is a challenge to worship leaders to discover how the gospel reshapes every dimension and element of worship. The author makes the bold statement that the gospel is the story of worship. In Chapter 1 he starts to tell that story at Genesis 2 in the Garden of Eden. Worship is rooted in the eternal love of God.
Distinguishing Things Which Differ
The Gospel
Christianity is knowing God, and at the heart of knowing God is the gospel. This article shows what the gospel is and what hinders people from knowing the gospel.
Why Moralism Is Not the Gospel – And Why So Many Christians Think It Is
The Centrality of the Gospel
From Galatians 2:14 this article shows that all of life should be in line with the gospel. However, moralism and relativism steal this call from believers.
Finding Simon in the Gospels: Commentaries and Preaching
Fulfillment of the Scriptures: Commentaries and Preaching
It All Hangs Together: Commentaries and Preaching
Blessed Are the Persecuted
Christless Christianity: Getting in Christ’s Way
What is Satan's biggest strategy? This article shows that it is keeping people from seeing Christ (Christ-centredness). Christless Christianity is the challenge that is facing the church today. This challenge can be traced back to the Sadducces and the Pharisees. Christ is denied through the teaching that the gospel does not include the wrath of God, but only His love.
Basics of the Reformed Faith: The Law and the Gospel
Preach the Gospel
Rejecting Good News
The exclusivity of the gospel can lead to rejection of the gospel. Looking at Jews, Romans, and Gentiles, this article shows why these groups of people rejected the gospel in the past. The author also discusses why the gospel may be rejected today.
The Gospel
By comparing the gospel to a jewel, the Bible points us to the many facets of the gospel. Therefore, in preaching and evangelism the gospel should not be limited, but all of its many facets can be used to point people to Christ.
The Gospel Message
Isaiah 55:1 - Free Salvation
Ruin, Redemption and Regeneration
Romans 1:16 - The Power to Save
The Gospel Includes Sanctification
This article shows how the gospel can be preached in such a way that a balance is kept between justification and sanctification, keeping both grounded in the gospel.
Reforming Servanthood: The Centrality of Gospel in Christian Service
Warning against the danger of serving God as a means to earn one's salvation, this article shows that true biblical servanthood is rooted in the desire to magnify the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and to the benefit of others.
What is the Gospel?
'O the Depth!'
Thomas Boston on 'Why Men Do Not Believe the Gospel'
The Gospel as Public Truth
Lesslie Newbigin has written a few works on the concept of the gospel as public truth. This concept emphasizes the factual basis of Christianity, and encourages Christians to be confident to engage in rational public discourse with Scripture as their basis. This article tries to envisage what Newbigin's proposal might mean. Criticism, questions and suggestions for modification of Newbigin's work are given with the intention of carrying the program forward.
Holding Together: Catholic Evangelical Worship in the Spirit
Here is provided a vision of evangelical, cross-centred, gospel worship. This is held together with catholic instincts about the ecclesiastic character of worship and charismatic experience of the dynamic of the Spirit in worship.
To Capture the Imagination of Our Culture: Reflections on Christian Apologetics
In this article McGrath argues for the importance of apologetics in contemporary mission to a post-modern world. He also raises concerns about the weakness of much modern evangelical apologetics. Making use of the apostles’ speeches in Acts he highlights the importance of knowing our audience before showing the importance of theology in apologetics.
The Art of Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century
Wilkinson argues for a form of Christian apologetics which is not merely confrontation or defense on the intellectual level. He emphasizes a personal and holistic method and one which takes contemporary culture seriously.