Seven Simple Ways to Share Your Faith with Others
Every Christian is called to be a witness. However, witnessing for Christ can be a challenge at times. This article offers seven ways to help you in sharing your faith with others.
"First Things" as Faithful Witness: Applying Paul's Ministry Manifesto Today
What did Paul mean when he said he was all things to all people? This article considers the challenge of the Christian witness today, in the face of unprecedented moral revolution. We are to bear witness to the gospel of Christ by holding on to all that the Bible instructs us to, and letting go of all that would undermine the truth of God's Word.
God Is Love – The Christian Experience of God
In this introductory chapter Bray considers a few basic aspects of the nature and task of Christian theology. It includes what it means to know God, the nature and character of the sharing of this faith as a witness to others, the scope and limitations of [theology]], and the reasons for and solutions to theological disagreements.
Inexplicable Love
The Church and Politics
How do we remain in the world, but not of the world? How do we witness to the world, while also keeping our church pure from serious sin? Should the church as a whole engage in politics? This article is about the ministry of the church.
Outreach - Where Church and Community Intersect
Looking at the gifts, interests and passions of each church member can be the key to identifying opportunities for witnessing. One must understand the community in which the church is situated as well as the gifts of church members in order to practice effective evangelism.
Working Towards an Indigenous Church (3): A Self-Propagating Church
The goal of mission work is to create indigenous churches which become self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. This article looks at the aspect of the indigenous church being self-propagating, discussing the importance of location, ability to speak the local language, developing instructional material in the local language, good books, training each believer to witness, and the training of children.
From Marginal to Mainstream to Marginal
Who Is to Practice Evangelism, and How?
This article is about the topic of evangelism. The author addresses the question of who is called to witness. This article also discusses how we are to witness; namely, with compassion, authenticity, and prayer.
Witnessing to Roman Catholics
Acts 1:8 - Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ
Acts 1:8 - You Shall be My Witnesses
Worship and witness
Guilty silence
What Should Reformed Evangelism Look Like?
The Reason
Peter Eldersveld, Child of the Covenant
Who Will Take a Stand?
Feet of the Gospel
Even so I Send You – Some Reflections on the Current Missionary Task of the Church
'O the Depth!'
Beginning at Jerusalem
Hebrews 11:37 - Sawed in Two
“A Fish Story”
1 Thessalonians 1:7-10 - The Lord’s Message Rang Out from You!
What is Truth?
Acts 26:29 - The Last Word
Creating Space: Hospitality as a Metaphor for Mission
Beginning with the biblical witness, Cathy Ross explores the character of hospitality. She shows how it can function as a powerful metaphor for mission. We are encouraged and enabled to reflect on the importance of shared meals and being at the margins, the need to see and respect the guest and stranger as other.
A Humble effort to Promote Local Evangelism - What Changes are Needed?
This article is about the local church and missions. This article looks at the missionary, but also at the witness of the normal Christian.