The Belgic Confession of Faith: Articles 1–3
A Call for Return to God's Attributes
Critical Biblical Theology in a New Key: A Review Article
This is a review article of Der Gott der Lebendigen (God of the Living), co-authored by Hermann Spieckermann and Reinhard Feldmeier. This review regards as a success the attempt of the authors to demonstrate the value of writing a theology in which the attributes of God are the point of departure.
Belgic Confession: Introduction, Articles 1-2
The Gentleness and Patience of God
This article considers two attributes of God, his gentleness and patience.
The Revelation of God through Malachi
Soteriology Notes: The Doctrine of God
In this article are notes on the doctrine of God. The focus is on the communicable and the non-communicable attributes of God.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, And The Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 2)
Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article gives some historical background to the formulation of the doctrine of the simplicity of God. The author discusses the challenge of hyper-realism and nominalism - are the attributes of God independent or dependent of Him? Choosing one of these poses the challenge of painting an unbiblical view of God.