Ten Disciplines of a Godly Pastor
How do you cultivate godliness as a pastor? This article explains ten disciplines of a godly pastor.
The fear of God is the soul of godliness.
Godliness...is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him.
The Root of All Godliness
A Call for Return to God's Attributes
Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude
Being Content
This article explains that contentment on its own is not enough. It shows that also godliness is to be present.
Nurturing Godliness in Missions
It is a joyful moment to see people converted to Christ through mission work. However, conversion is not the end. Those converted must be led to spiritual maturity. This article shows that such maturity is rooted in making knowledge of truth grow into conviction of the truth and a life of obedience. This is achieved by teaching godliness.
Piety and the Reformation (or, The Reformation’s Awed Love of God)
Eusebeia – Syncretism or Conservative Contextualization?
The appearance of the Greek word "eusebeia" (godliness) is very frequent in the Pastoral Letters (e.g., 1 Timothy 4:6-10, 1 Timothy 6, 2 Timothy 3). Some theologians interpret this frequent occurrence as a shift in New Testament ethical thinking. This alleged shift occurred because the second coming of Christ did not appear so imminent as was earlier expected.
William Perkins and the Pursuit of Godliness
This article considers the doctrine of progressive sanctification, or growth in holiness, also as it was pursued by William Perkins. It also considers what are the marks of credible godliness.
Trust the Means of Grace (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is dependent on God through the means of grace.
Guard against Worldliness (Eight Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is enmity towards worldliness.
Think Holy Thoughts (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness and holy thinking are related.
Watch Temptation (8 Rules of Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is linked with the battle against temptation. Therefore, be careful of temptations.
Ponder the Brevity of Life (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is related to thinking about the shortness of life.
Redeem Your Time (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is linked with the use of time. Practice the stewardship of time.
Fellowship with Godly People (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness happens through fellowship with godly people.
Purpose to be Godly (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness must be purposeful. Godliness must be approached with confidence, tenacity, and determination.
Wanting It Enough
Do you desire to be godly? This article explains that godliness is attained through a relationship with God.
Aspiring to Live a Quiet and Peaceable Life
Evangelical Spirituality: A Church Historian's Perspective
Are spirituality, godliness, and the experience of faith neglected topics among Christian scholars? This article looks at the needs and values of evangelical and Reformed spirituality from a historical perspective.
Evangelical Spirituality: A Biblical Scholar's Perspective
What is Christian spirituality? Waltke notes different aspects of spirituality and godliness: a God-centred life, a kingdom-centred life, and the dynamics of a godly life,
Scholarship and Spirituality
Is scholarship in competition with spirituality and godliness? Is it possible to be a scholar and be godly? This paper considers the function of scholarship and the nature of spirituality.
Pursuing Personal Godliness
Piety, According to John Calvin
Grace and Godliness
The Teenage Years: Goofiness or Godliness
In the last seventy years, another age group description was added besides 'children' and 'adults'; namely, the description of 'teenagers'. What comes to mind when you hear this word? This article looks at the expectations for this age group from the world and from God. The author concludes that biblically, the teen years should be training ground for godliness, responsibility and leadership.
The Practice of Godliness
Strength of Youth
Youth is associated with strength and energy. However, if not used well this strength can be destructive. The author of this article highlights the need for self-control, godliness, and using this strength for the service of God.
Training in Godliness
Where Have the Saints Gone?
Where Godliness is Leaking
John Calvin and Christian Piety
How Important Are Sports?
Hope as an Incentive to Godliness
This article is about hope, and how it is an incentive for godliness. In other words, what does the return of Christ have to do with our piety? The kingdom of God is discussed from a amillennial point of view, as a spiritual kingdom. It also looks at the relation of the kingdom of God to this world.