Church and State
Belgic Confession Article 36: The Civil Government
The New Testament Doctrine of the State
Does the New Testament have a specific view of the state and government? What is the relationship between the church and state? How should we relate our present situation with that found in biblical times? The author considers the creation of the state and the natural law concept, Christian attitudes toward the state, and the function of the state.
Church and State in the Belgic Confession
French Protestantism Between Innovation and Integration
Obeying both God and Caesar
Why the Secession of 1834?
There is nothing so painful to Christians as witnessing the separation of Christ church. This author maintains, however, that sometimes separation is the way to obey Christ. This article looks at the influence of rationalism, biblical criticism and the church and state relationship in the Netherlands leading up to the Secession of 1834.
German Resistance Frustrated Fuhrer How Hitler Beat Clergy into Submission after Losing Battle over Church and Bible
( new one added to CL) John Chrysostom
This article is about the preaching and work of John Chrysostom. The author also looks at his view on church and state and on childhood education.
Kuyper and Politics
Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism
In this article is about theonomy and Christian reconstructionism, the author discusses the relevance of the civil law and the moral law for the Christian today. The author also focuses on the relation of the Old Testament and New Testament, and of church and state.