I Am the Good Shepherd
Seven Essential Elements of an Effective Shepherding Ministry
Elders and pastors are called to shepherd God's church. How can you provide an effective shepherding ministry? This article introduces seven essential elements.
Amusing the Goats or Calling the Sheep?
This article shows from the teaching of Paul (2 Corinthians) and Christ that success in ministry is measured not by numbers but by sounding the voice of the Shepherd in the gospel message, and calling his sheep who know that voice into his fold.
Where Are the Shepherds?
Elders as Shepherds of the Church of God
Shepherding the Flock
Shepherds Needed
Psalm 23:1 - The LORD is My Shepherd
Overseers of the Church
The Good Shepherd
The Bible portrays the relationship of Christ and His church through the image of a shepherd and his sheep. The example of sheep points to the Christian's tendancy to stray, their vulnerability and their need for the flock. In contrast, the image of Shepherd points to Christ as one who protects, nurtures and gathers the sheep.
An Under Shepherd
Finding the Elders We Need
John 10:16 - Jesus the Good Shepherd Who Will Also Bring Other Sheep
John 10:16 sheds significant light on Jesus’ messianic consciousness during his earthly ministry. Scholarly treatments, however, focus almost exclusively on John's use of the Old Testament without giving attention to questions regarding the historical Jesus.