The Church's Book of Comfort – The Continued Relevance of the Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism cannot be detached from history. If the historical context of this confessional statement is ignored, its special character will not be recognized. Chapter 7 places the Catechism in its historical and theological context. It is compared with the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and other catechisms. Finally, criticism of the Catechism and the continued relevance of the Catechism are considered.

The Idea of a Federation

Is a church federation the only way in which churches can show their unity? Looking at the unity of God's people from the Old and New Testament, this article shows that God's people are called to be one. The author traces this expression of church unity through the Reformation, showing that there is a way of acknowledging each other while embracing diversity. There can be "federation of federations".