The Church's Book of Comfort – The Continued Relevance of the Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism cannot be detached from history. If the historical context of this confessional statement is ignored, its special character will not be recognized. Chapter 7 places the Catechism in its historical and theological context. It is compared with the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and other catechisms. Finally, criticism of the Catechism and the continued relevance of the Catechism are considered.

The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today: Concluding Observations

What really is the significance of the Canons of Dort for the church today? This article shows that it has much to contribute to the life and ministry of the church: it is unswervingly biblical, it gets at at the heart of the Reformed worldview (namely, the sovereign ini­tiative and grace of God), it encourages a God-centred faith, and it points to God as the only comfort for the believer.

The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and "Cheap" Grace

This article considers the value of the Canons of Dort for today. It explains that the Canons are helpful for understanding the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. The author discusses modern issues like the lordship salvation controversy, as well as the meaning of cheap grace.