Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the Beginning of the Reformation

The 95 Theses of Luther was an important event in the reformation of the church. What were the causes for Luther to write this? Other things discussed in the article are the indulgences, the gospel and good works, and the consequences of the theses (Heidelberg disputation 1518, hearing at Augsburg 1518 and Diet of Worms 1521).

The Just Shall Live By Faith: The Conversion of Martin Luther

There is no denying that the turning point in Martin Luther's life was his conversion. In this article, the author shows how God in His providence worked in the life of Luther by revealing the darkness in him and bringing him to His light. God then led Luther to write the ninety-five theses and promote the reformation of the church.

Martin Luther and the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone

Martin Luther confessed that the justice of God is that righteousness by which, through grace and sheer mercy, God justifies us through faith. This was the discovery by Luther of justification by faith alone. This article explains how Luther came to this discovery by looking at his life and the battle with the Roman Catholic Church.

Christian Apologetics Past and Present – Martin Luther

The purpose of this volume is to provide primary sources from important authors with an apologetic concern. Chapter 1 provides an excerpt from Martin Luther, Concerning Christian Liberty (or On Christian Freedom), written in 1520. This work extols one of Luther’s central theological themes: justification by grace through faith. The excerpt is preceded by an introduction to the historical and theological context in which the work of Luther appeared.