What Is There between Minneapolis and St. Andrews? A Third Way in the Piper-Wright Debate
Bird participates in the debate between John Piper and N. T. Wright on a biblical understanding of justification by faith. He looks at five points of contention between Piper and Wright. Bird tries to establish a modified Reformed view that can function as a middle way between the two.
God's Righteousness as God's Fairness in Romans 1:17: An Ancient Perspective on a Significant Phrase
Thielman is convinced that if one is to understand how justification functions in Paul's writings, one needs to understand how the righteousness language functions in Romans 1:17. He argues in this article that part of the reason for the volatile interpretive history of this verse is that the phrase is polyvalent. He further argues that the "righteousness of God” has three meanings in Romans 1:17.
Justification: The Saving Righteousness of God in Christ
This article is about justification, how lost sinners share in the saving righteousness of God in Christ. Schreiner is in dialogue with N. T. Wright. First, Schreiner is convinced that Wright wrongly says that justification is primarily about ecclesiology instead of soteriology. Next, Schreiner believes that Wright often introduces a false polarity when referring to the mission of Israel.
The Translation of Romans 1:17 – A Basic Motif in Paulinism
The author reflects on the translation of Romans 1:17, noting in particular the meaning of the righteousness of God.