Three Signs You Hold an Unbiblical View of Grace
What is your understanding of the grace of God? Many people have a flawed view of grace, suggesting that grace saves them but the rest of their path depends on their efforts. The article describes three things that reveal you may be holding an unbiblical view of grace.
If God Is Gracious, Why Can't I Do What I Want?
Does the abundance of the grace of God promote a sinful life? Many people suppose that because God is gracious, we can live as we please. But the Bible teaches that those who are saved no longer live in sin (Romans 6:1-2), but out of gratitude live to please Christ.
Ten Things You Should Know about Irresistible Grace
Irresistible grace concerns the process by which God brings the elect to saving faith in Jesus. What does it mean that the grace of God is irresistible? This article explains ten things you need to know about irresistible grace.
Ten Things You Should Know About Grace
What is God's saving grace? Starting from the definition of the grace of God, this article offers ten points about this grace.
Grace in the New Testament is impersonal energy automatically switched on by prayer and sacraments, but the heart and hand of the living almighty God.
The Grace of the Law
Though a believer is no longer "under the law," he is freed up to see the beauties of God’s law as fulfilled in Christ. This article explains how this works; that is, it describes how the law of God is a gift of the grace of God.
No Longer Amazed by Grace
What is one cause of losing excitement in ministry work? This article suggests that familiarity with the things of God can cause you to lose your awe and amazement at the grace of God.
Six Types of Grace
What are words that explain the grace of God? This article mentions and considers six types of grace: forgiveness, acceptance, presence, enablement, freedom, and completion.
Four Ways to Apply Grace to Fight for Holiness
Christians are called to pursue holiness. How do we actually do it? This article says that by applying the grace of God in our life, we will grow in holiness, and it explains four ways to apply such grace.
Grace’s Humbling Necessity
The Christian life is a life dependent on the grace of God. Based on Luke 18:10-14, this article shows why we need God's grace.
Grace 101
Why is Christianity all of grace? Because the gospel of the grace of God is not just for the beginning of the Christian life, but for the whole of it.
What Is Grace?
Grace is getting what you don't deserve, and not getting what you do deserve. This article explains that the grace of God is the centre of the gospel's message.
The Doctrines of Grace in Calvin and Augustine
The Chronicler: Theologian of Grace
Important aspects of the message and theology of 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles are highlighted in this article. The emphasis falls on the Chronicler's message of the grace of God.
The God of All Grace
When we talk about the grace of God we refer to the beauty of God. Grace also points to the underserved favour and the power of God.
Salvation by Grace
The author sets out to describe what is meant by the expression "salvation by grace." It captures man's position in the misery of his sinfulness, God's choice to save man, and thus how salvation is not something that anyone can earn by merit but is a display of the grace of God.
God’s Not Really That Holy, I’m Not Really That Bad
When you are taken in by the amazing grace of God, you know that you have come to believe the gospel that unmasks illusions like the one in the title. This article expands on the matter.
On the Grace of God – It's Grace All the Way
This chapter wants to demonstrate from Ephesians 2:1-11 how the grace of God perseveres with his children.
Salvation by Grace – The Contemporary Debate
This Introduction calls attention to current discussions about the sovereignty of the grace of God displayed in his effectual calling through the gospel and regeneration through the Holy Spirit (monergism). This monergism stands in direct opposition to synergistic views of salvation where man fully participates in his salvation.
Therefore, Go
The article provides a reminder to believers on the dangers and difficulties involved in the work of discipleship and evangelism. This includes the importance of understanding the depths of the grace of God towards sinners who may still continue to sin even after being converted, and indeed the believer's attitude towards sin.