Nine Reasons People Slept in Church Yesterday
Why do people sleep during the church service? Here are nine reasons for people sleeping in church.
Crass Christianity What happens when the Great Commission becomes a Marketing Manifesto?
Worship Committees – What Do They Do?
What is an authentic way for worship committees to participate in the worship life of a congregation? This article offers suggestions.
Participating in Worship: History, Theory, and Practice
This article reviews the book Participating in Worship: History, Theory, and Practice by Craig Erickson, which argues that worship needs to become more participatory through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
An Archbishop for All Seasons – Thomas Cranmer and the Book of Common Prayer
This article commends the use of material from Thomas Cranmer's The Book of Common Prayer in worship.
We're Struggling with Worship: Questions from a Worship Coordinator
This article provides some questions from a worship coordinator and a response from a worship consultant.
Holy Fairs – Scottish Communions and American Revivals in the Early Modern Period
This article reviews the book The Holy Fairs, which explains how certain festivals, such as Cambuslang in Scotland and Cane Ridge and the camp meetings in the United States, became the occasions for significant revivals. The book indicates how these communion gatherings continued the pre-Reformation popular piety of Corpus Christi in a new guise that was acceptable in the context of Reformed religion.