More Deeds with the Word The relationship of Word and Deed in evangelism and mission
The Christian: A Servant Fifth in Series: What Is a Christian?
Do Good Workers Do “Good Works”? A Biblical Review of the Meaning of “Good Works” in New Testament Marketplace Contexts
After looking at key passages from the New Testament, this article shows that good works should not be limited to works of charity. Good works include works done in the marketplace and home.
The Need Outside
Biblical Foundations for the Ministry of Mercy
Diaconal Office in Scriptural Perspective
Free to Serve
True Diakonia
Are You a Servant?
Acceptable Service
What the Needy Need
"Some churches that emphasize a strong Bible-preaching pulpit are less vigorous in ministries of mercy". This article is about mercy ministry (charity), and looks at the relation of biblical doctrine and good deeds, and the relation of mercy ministry and salvation.
The Interests of Others
A Grass-Roots Approach is Best
What is That to You? You Follow Me!
Does it Pay to Visit Vermin?
To Equip the Church
Church, Stop Doing So Many Good Things
It is easy for the church to get involved in doing a lot of good things. How do you get your church to do the things that are in line with the gospel? This article suggests embracing strategic priorities. Your church's strategic plan must help you limit your focus and help you do more by doing less.
Weeping with Those Who Weep
The unity of the church has implications for caring for each other as the church. This article explains what this means for weeping and suffering with Christians who are weeping and suffering, locally and globally.
Would Jesus Attend Your Church?
Is your church gospel-centred and Christ-centred? A way to test this question is by asking, how does a church welcome sinners? This article offers three truths for consideration if you want your church to be a place that welcomes sinners.
Serving Families in Christ
The church as the body of Christ is called to a life of serving each other. This article explains how Christians can serve one another in the are of childcare.
Four Questions and Answers to Understand God’s Calling
Do you have a passion for doing work in God's kingdom but not sure where God is calling you to go? This article offers four questions and answers to help you work through this issue.
Learning to Suffer Well: Weeping with Those Who Weep
From the life of the prophet Jeremiah, this article explores how to suffer along with God's people.
God's Google
Where do you turn when you have questions about life? Do you find it easy to turn to Google? There is another place where you can go, where God has placed you to receive counsel: the local church.
Called By Scripture to Provide Charity Outside the Church Doors?
Sevenfold Mercy (8): Conclusion
Sevenfold Mercy (7): Prisoners are My Concern
Sevenfold Mercy (5): The Clothes in My Life
Sevenfold Mercy (1): Basic Mercy
A Time to Serve
A Servant of All, That I Might Gain the More (2)
What does it mean to be a servant of Christ and His gospel? What did Paul mean when he said, "I became the slave of all...that I might gain the more" (1 Corinthians 9:16-22). This article looks at the topic of serving Christ by preaching the gospel.
A Servant of All, That I Might Gain the More (1)
What does it mean to be a servant of Christ and His gospel? What did Paul mean when he said, "I became the slave of all...that I might gain the more" (1 Corinthians 9:16-22). This article looks at the topic of serving Christ by preaching the gospel.
Reformed, Young, and Motivated...But to What?
While thankful that young people are embracing the Reformed teaching, this article warning against the danger of making personal reformation an end in itself. It calls young reformed Christians to get engaged in ministry of mercy.
John Mark
Mueller's Reason
A Call to Greatness
Fit to Serve … at Every Age and Stage of Life A Mother and Daughter Perspective
A Pastor’s Reflections: Crossing Lines
Helping the needy is what Christians should do. Caring for the needy requires a lot of wisdom. Giving money is not always the solution because true help must treat the cause and not the symptoms.
Even in Your Pain, the Church Needs You
Do your pain and suffering drive you away from the body of Christ? Hurting church members are still part of Christ's body and they are needed for the health of the church. This is what the article explains.
A Nabors Way to Show Mercy
How can the church get involved in mercy ministry? Mercy ministry should involve charity and development. This article explains why and suggests five steps for an effective ministry of mercy.
The Friendly Congregation
In Season and out of Season
The article discusses the need in churches today to have its members involved in various ministries of the church. The discussion mainly involves a comparison of trends between liberal churches and evangelical churches.
Reforming Servanthood: The Centrality of Gospel in Christian Service
Warning against the danger of serving God as a means to earn one's salvation, this article shows that true biblical servanthood is rooted in the desire to magnify the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and to the benefit of others.
The Family with a Handicapped Child and the Congregation
Biblical Servanthood Is Established by the Trinity
This article discusses the subject of biblical servanthood by looking at how the three persons in the Trinity relate to one another.
The Body of Christ: Prophet, Priest, or King?
What is the church? The author wants to reflect on what he calls the "essence of the church," by which he means something more than just the functions of the church. He wants to look at the church in terms of carrying on the mission of Jesus. He develops his approach following the paradigm of the offices Jesus fulfilled while he was on earth: prophet, priest, and king. His purpose is to give a Christological understanding of the church.
Doing Theology for the Church
The practice of theology is a function of the church. The author explores the way in which an intellectual understanding of the Christian faith should be a service to the church.
Reforming Servanthood: The Centrality of Gospel in Christian Service (Part 3)
Reforming Servanthood: The Centrality of Gospel in Christian Service (Part 2)
In a previous related article, the author showed that true biblical servanthood is rooted in the desire to magnify the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and to the benefit of others. In this article, the author explores the relationship between the commands of God and serving. Obedience to God's commands is how Christians serve Him, and this should be done in light of Christ's finished work and the equipping work of the Holy Spirit.
John Calvin: A Man of Compassion
In this article, the author shows how John Calvin was a man of compassion. John Calvin's self-denial, charity, and enjoyment is also discussed. Calvin's view of the poor and the rich, and his view on economics is also mentioned by the author.
Ministry, Community, and Spiritual Gifts
How did the apostle Paul understand the ministry of the church? In this article, Fung wants to examine the mutual relationships of ministry, community, and "charismata." Various relationships are examined therein: the relationships between ministry and Church, ministry and spiritual gifts, and the nature of the ministry and its outward organization.