John 1:5 – The Decisive Breakthrough of Light in the Darkness
How We Live as Salt and Light in the World
The Need Outside
The Lord of Light and Love
1 John 5:5-7 - Fellowship in God’s Light
A Light in the Darkness
This is an encouragement to Christians to live out their Christian life in obedience to the call of Christ to let our light shine.
David's Lamp
Genesis 1:3-5 - The First Day
A Light Upon My Path
Isaiah 9:2 - The Light of God Shines in the World
Matthew 6:22-23 - Having a Good Eye
Luke 2:9b - The Glory of the Lord in Ephrathah’s Fields
Living as Children of the Light
The Strange Task of Witnessing about Light
Evangelism is witnessing about Christ, the light. Light is illumination itself. When you want someone to see the light, you don’t shine on the light; the light itself must be held up.
God is Love
In the book of 1 John, the apostle John points out much about the character of God to the Christians to whom he is writing. He has taught them that God is Light, He is Spirit, He is eternal. He is a Father. But perhaps the most clear picture he gives of God is that God is love. The article discusses the meaning of 1 John 4:7-21.