Can Your Soul Survive Facebook and Twitter?
This article explains some of the cult-like aspects of social media, making clear that we do not need Facebook or Twitter. We were created for community, which we may ultimately enjoy in the church,
This article explains some of the cult-like aspects of social media, making clear that we do not need Facebook or Twitter. We were created for community, which we may ultimately enjoy in the church,
How did the apostle Paul understand the ministry of the church? In this article, Fung wants to examine the mutual relationships of ministry, community, and "charismata." Various relationships are examined therein: the relationships between ministry and Church, ministry and spiritual gifts, and the nature of the ministry and its outward organization.
The author of this article attempts to explain and describe what love should be like in a godly relationship. The author does this by using the doctrine of the Trinity, with further applications from a number of errors that are a result of failure to understand this Trinity properly.
This article looks at the the relationship between communality (community) and individuality in the church.