Educational Principles of Canadian Reformed Schools
Is Reformed Education Enough?
School: Who Should Rule?
This article discusses the role of parents and church in governing Christian schools. The author shows that based on the covenant, the authority to govern the school lies with parents. The church council plays a supporting role in Christian education, and helps to hold parents accountable to their responsibility.
No Neutral Ground: A Christian Critique of the Secular Onslaught in Education Systems
This article shows that education is not neutral. Looking at the context of Canada, this article considers public schools as promoting a different worldview than Christian schools - one that is founded on humanistic grounds instead of Scripture.
Christian Schools Should Remain Reformed and Be Defined in Terms of Creedal Theology
Are the Reformed Creeds Worth Keeping in Schools?
Blessing in the Christian School
The evidence of the blessing of God in the Christian school is not found in size, but in the attitudes of parents, teachers, and learners. This article lists some of the indications of God's blessings in the Christian school.
Do They Pray In Your School?
Christian School Parents' Code
This article is about the involvement of parents in Christian schools. It shows how parents can support Christian education through prayer, involvement in the running of the school, financial support, volunteering, etc.
Education and the Free Church
The Environment Required for a Godly Education
Guarding the School Education: Our Common Calling
Church, Home and School - A Three-Legged Stool
Parents, School and Community in the New Testament
The Churches’ Care for the Schools: The Relation Between Church and School in Historical Perspective
To Love God with Our Mind
To Whom Belongs the Child?
The Bible in the School - Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
This article is about using the Word of God in school and Christian education. The importance of teaching about the deeds of God for education is also discussed.