Zwingli on the Unity of the Church
Erasmus and the Authority of Scripture
Martyr for the English Reformation William Tyndale 1494-1994
Titus 1:12 – Cretans are Always Liars Paul and Epimenides
Pliny's Punishment of the Christians
Martin Luther and the German New Testament
William Tyndale's Concept of the Church
Sola Scriptura and the Reformation in Zurich
Suffered under Pontius Pilate A Roman Prefect in the Creed's Christology
God Shows No Partiality In Jesus Christ the Covenant Extends to All Peoples
John Calvin on Psalms and Hymns in Public Worship
John Calvin on Admission to the Lord’s Supper
Being Reformed in an Unchristian World: The Legacy of Herman Bavinck for the Twenty-First Century
The Churches’ Care for the Schools: The Relation Between Church and School in Historical Perspective
Admission to the Lord’s Supper in the Early Dutch Reformed Churches
The Introduction of Evangelical Hymns in the Dutch Reformed Churches: The Reaction in the Secession of 1834
The First Psalters in the Dutch Reformed Churches
Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the Beginning of the Reformation
The Meaning and History of “Reformation”
The Manner of Celebrating the Lord’s Supper Then and Now
John à Lasco and the Reformed Church Order
The Reformer John à Lasco (1499-1560)
Martin Luther on Reformed Education
Melanchthon’s Place Among the Reformers
Philipp Melanchthon 1497-1560
Bible Translations and Reformed Training for the Ministry
William Tyndale as Translator of the Bible
Martin Luther as Translator of the Bible
The Reformers on Psalms and Hymns in Public Worship
Huldrych Zwingli on Reformed Instruction
In this article on Zwingli and reformed education, the author also focuses on the importance of instruction for the forming of moral character, and teaching conduct towards other people.
Philipp Melanchthon on Reformed Education
This article on Philipp Melanchthon and reformed education, also looks at the importance of education for the reformation of church, and the importance of learning at the Christian school.
Acts 17:28 - The Apostle and the Poet: Paul and Aratus
in this article about Acts 17:28, the author also discusses the relation of Paul to the Stoic philosophy.
Preserving church unity: Calvin and the believers in Wesel
This article is about church unity and fundamental and non-fundamental articles of faith. Calvin gives advice to the French stranger church in Wesel about the treatment of the Lutheran and Reformed differences regarding the Lord's Supper.