To strive without sacrifice of truth for the visible unity of the body of Christ is to enhance its glory.
Weeping with Those Who Weep
The unity of the church has implications for caring for each other as the church. This article explains what this means for weeping and suffering with Christians who are weeping and suffering, locally and globally.
Unity, Diversity, and Division
The author of this article engages the contentious issue of lack of unity and the presence of divisions in the church today. This author proceeds to explain how believers today must understand the unity of the church, the divisions that have assaulted it, and the necessity of diversity in it. The author also attacks what he calls extreme denominationalism and extreme unionism.
The Church
This article speaks on the subject of the unity of the church as expressed in 1 Corinthians 12:12. Further points of discussion include the unity and concord of Christians in their particular churches and in their individual state, the unity of the body of Christ and the diversity of the church.
Unity in Acts: Idealization or Reality?
Is the portrayal of the unity of the church in Acts an unrealistic idealization of Luke? There are many studies of Acts that judge it to be idealization. This article surveys this literature. It then argues that Luke's view of the church is not unrealistic idealization.
Paul and Christian Unity: A Formal Analysis of Philippians 2:1-4
What is the literary structure of Philippians 2:1-4? What is the significance and function of this passage within the structure of the letter as a whole? This passage focuses on the unity of the church.
Why We Belong – Toward a Theology of the Unity of the Church
This is a book about the unity of the church of Christ, and chapter 1 is a short theology of the unity of the church. This unity is a demonstration of God’s purpose of cosmic unity. The church further displays the unity and uniqueness of God. The gift of unity is on the one hand a mark of the church and on the other hand to be pursued without ceasing.