Literary Connectors and a Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi Corpus
Haggai 1:13-15 – Rebuilding the Church
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the first prophecy, recorded in Haggai 1:13-15.
Haggai 1:3-6 – Rebuilding the Church
This article on looks at the prophecy recorded in Haggai 1:3-6.
Haggai: Rebuilding the Church
This article is a Bible study on the book of Haggai. This article introduces the book by looking at its author, date, history and structure.
Haggai 1:9 - A Wondrous House
Not What It Seems!
Zerubbabel, Persia, and Inner-Biblical Exegesis
Jeremiah 22:24–30 plays an important role in understanding Haggai 2:20–23. This essay interacts with the ideas of Wolter Rose and John Kessler, and concludes that Haggai 2:20–23 embodies a manto-typological exegesis of the Jeremianic tradition.
Haggai 2:3-7 – Rebuilding the Church
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:3-7.
Haggai 2:1-3 – Rebuilding the Church
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:1-3.
Haggai 2:14-19: Rebuilding the Church
The book of Haggai is structured according to the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:14-19.
Haggai 2:6-7: Rebuilding the Church
The book of Haggai is structured according to the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:6-7.
The Shaking of the Nations: An Eschatological View
What is the function of the eschatological motifs in the understanding of Haggai's prophecy against the nations? This essay argues that the "shaking of the nations" is the result of the eschatological intervention of Yahweh in the life of the nations.
"The Desire of all Nations" in Haggai 2:7: Messianic or Not?
How should the phrase "the desire of all nations" in Haggai 2:7 be interpreted? The author considers whether it must be interpreted in a messianic sense or not.
Impulse and Design in the Book of Haggai
The concern of this article is to explore in detail the design of Haggai. It is done in terms of a careful analysis of the accent tradition of the Hebrew text as preserved by the Masoretes.