Her Stillborn, Him Sovereign
The loss of a baby, whether by miscarriage, stillborn, or otherwise, can be devastating to any expecting parent. However, to know that God is sovereign is the source of strength and comfort when difficulty comes.
What to Say (and What Not to Say) to Those Grieving
Ten Practical Tips for Helping Hurting People
How do you reach out to hurting Christians? This article outlines ten practical tips you can use to bring comfort to Christians facing suffering or pain in their lives.
Comfort for Christian Parents of Unconverted Children
"Known by God": The Meaning and Value of a Neglected Biblical Concept
Being known by God is a critical concept in the Bible. It is, however, neglected in exegesis and theology. This article wants to revive interest in the theme by reflecting on its definition and considering its pastoral function in the Bible. Being known by God is roughly equivalent to three related ideas: belonging to God, being loved or chosen by God, and being a child of God.
Fourteen Resurrection Certainties
Comfort for Suffering Saints Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590)
Broken And Comfortless
Comfort for the Child of God
Comfort for Living and Dying - The Heidelberg Catechism's Grand Theme
The great theme of the Heidelberg Catechism is comfort - comfort found in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Comfort in Temptation
Christians face temptations every day which challenge their faith and resolve. Is there any comfort in the midst of so many daily trials and temptations? Our comfort rests in God’s faithfulness and sovereign will. Christ, who also faced temptation, supports his church. The power to conquer temptation lies not in ourselves but in Christ.
The Only Comfort
This is an explanation of Lord’s Day 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism. The article looks at the nature of true comfort, and shows why belonging to Jesus can be the only comfort. There can only be one comfort because there is one cause of misery. The comfort the believer has in Christ is essential to the daily life of the believer until his or her death.
The School of Grace
Diaconal Visits
The Task of the Deacons
Comfort Ye My People
This article is about the comfort of Lord's Day 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism. It also discusses Isaiah 40:1-2.
When Good Men Fall
I Will Be with Thee
When Sin Troubles the Believer
The fear of death
1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 - The Comfort in Christ
Who is Controlling the Weather?
The Gospel of God's Providence
Comfort for Christ's Sheep
Where, O Death, is Your Victory?
Matthew 5:4 - Mourners get Comfort
A Christian View of Death and Dying
This article is about sin and death, hope and comfort.