Covenantal Catechism
Teaching the Catechism
The Attitude of the Church Towards it's Confessions and Catechisms
The Duties of Parents: Younger Children
Why Catechism Is Necessary
Teaching the Catechism: Why and How
A Lost Art A Tried and True way of Teaching is needed again
Six Reasons Catechisms Make Truth Stick
A catechism is a great tool for instruction and teaching. The combination of theological questions and answers given in the catechism help in making truth stick. This article gives six reasons how the catechism teaching does this.
A Textbook for the Church, Especially for the Youth
The Importance of Catechism Instruction
This article emphasizes the importance of catechetical instruction of the youth. A catechism is a valuable tool that helps believers become grounded in church doctrine.
The Heidelberg Catechism
This article introduces the Heidelberg Catechism. It looks at the structure of the Catechism, its relation to Scripture, and the reasons it was written.
Renew or Retain? The Place of the HC in School, Church and Catechesis
A Future for the HC in Tomorrow's Instruction?
Why We Have Catechism Answering Ultimate Questions
Living with the Lord
Preaching the Word - Catechetically
Kids, Character, and Catechism
When we develop the character of our children, we mark their souls morally and ethically. This parenting involves ploughing and planting the Word of God in them. One tool God provides for this is the catechism. The catechism provides children with solid, thorough knowledge in today’s confusing world. It gives a workable framework within which we can live.
Baptism, Profession of Faith, Lord’s Supper
The Heidelberg Catechism: Its History, Character, and Value
Catechism… or Discipline
Should parents who do not send their children to catechism classes be disciplined? The author shows that this has been a conviction in the history of the Reformed Churches. He shows the need for catechism and the benefits it has for the church. The author maintains that instruction in the Heidelberg Catechism is linked to the promise parents make to their children at their baptism.
The Fourth Commandment: Our Catechism, Calvin, and Ursinus
Does the way in which the Heidelberg Catechism deals with the fourth Commandment in Lord’s Day 38 leave you longing for more? The catechism does not say anything about what is forbidden on the Sabbath. Is this an issue? This article looks at Calvin's perspective on the fourth commandment and how this perspective influenced Ursinus.
Why Catechize?
Catechetical preaching serves to ground and settle the Christian in doctrine. The author of this article maintains that the Catechism serves as a foundation for our faith.