Talk Is Cheap
Is talk cheap? Talk is never cheap because your tongue can kill or give life. There are four things that should make you take your communication serious.
Clothing Matters: What We Wear to Church Why What We put on May be More Important than We Think
Spiritual Disciplines: Speech
Working Words Goodness! God Actually Expects Us to Impart Grace
Share Your Daily Activities with Your Spouse
Communicating with Parents
This article looks to offer youth a perspective on communicating with parents. It explains that parents have a God-given authority over their children, they also have wisdom, and they are sinners. These are things that teenagers and young people should remember in their communication with their parents.
1 Timothy 4:12 – Set an Example in Your Speech
The use of words should be important to every Christian. This article show that every communication reveals something about the state of your heart. So set an example through your speech, as we read in 1 Timothy 4:12.
Postmodernism's Impact on Popular Culture
This article details some of the features of postmodernism, which in many ways is a reaction to modernism. It describes how postmodernism impacts the communication of the gospel, and ends with a call for the church to discern the spirits.
Interpreting in Cultural Context
How do cultural issues influence the interpretation of Scripture? Kraft selects four areas where understanding the influence of culture can help his readers understand how Scripture should be interpreted. He develops a method that he calls culturolinguistic. He depends strongly on the insights from Bible translation theorists like Eugene Nida and John Beekman.
“Let’s Have a Chat” The Dilemma of Internet Communication
Dispensing Waters from the Fountain of Life
Meeting the Challenge of the Teenage Years: Talking With Your Teenagers
Marriage: Biblical Communication
Communication in marriage should be guided by four biblical principles: seek to know and be known; seek to achieve a oneness of understanding; build trust; and build one another up spiritually.
Choice Words: A Matter of Life and Death
Just Words
In today's language full of profanity, it is good to remember that every word you speak is spoken in the presence of God. This is enough to make every Christian examine his speech. How should Christians communicate? Communication and speech is a reflection of the heart and of one's relationship with God, and therefore everything we say matters.
Going to the Ant: Communing as a People
God has given ants as a lesson for mankind. Looking at Proverbs 30:24, the author shares some wisdom learned from ants. The author discusses the importance of communication, working for the communal good, and watching out for dangers.
Talking Sense
This article urges Christians to use their tongue in a way that is edifying to other believers. Christian communication can be a great tool to encourage one another in the service of God.
The Role of the Preaching in Reformed Liturgy
Mass Media – Modern Means of Communication
Communication and Preaching
From Generation to Generation We Will Recount Thy Praise
A Life-Supporting Atmosphere
Face to Face
Proverbs 10:11 - Dispensing Waters from the Fountain of Life
Can we Talk? Can we Listen to Each other?
This article is about communication in the church. The author looks at differences in the church, listening and our convictions, pride, and suspicions in the church.
Setting the Stage
This article is about the Roman empire and the advancement of gospel, communication opportunities and mission in the early church, syncretism, and the relation of world history and church history.
"If You Had Only Told Me..." What Pastors Wish Their Parishioners Would Say to Them
Genuine Interest = Communication Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
Plain English – A Scriptural Imperative
James 1:19 - Godly Communication
The Preacher as Christ's Herald
In this article on the preacher as the herald of Christ, the author also discusses communication in preaching and the content of preaching.