Three Ways Sex in Your Marriage Can Be Sinful
"Sexual sin" usually refers to sinful behavior outside marriage. But can sex within marriage also be sinful? This article describes three ways in which sex can be harmful in marriage.
"Sexual sin" usually refers to sinful behavior outside marriage. But can sex within marriage also be sinful? This article describes three ways in which sex can be harmful in marriage.
What do you do if you have a continuous struggle with sexual sin? This article discusses how the unending love and mercy of Christ can serve as great encouragement for growth in holiness and the resistance of sexual temptation.
This article offers a series of passages from which sermons could be preached, to help a congregation think and act biblically when a pastor has fallen into sexual sin.
How can single Christians practice purity and chastity to the glory of God? This article considers the question, addressing the issue of the threat of sexual sin, including sex before marriage. The author calls for coming to terms with who you are in Christ, and taking responsibility for your sexual purity.
This article addresses those who do not take their sexual sin seriously. It offers four indicators of one caught in sexual sin, and four ways to change.
How do you deal with the guilt that leads to self-condemnation because of sexual sin or any sin? When your conscience condemns you with guilt you need to hold the right standard, and know where to turn to.
This article addresses the matter of sexual sin among women. It deals with why women don't talk about it, how to bring about change in behaviour, and concludes with a word to men about supporting our Christian sisters in their fight for purity.
This article engages with the sentiment that since God let David remain king after his adultery with Bathsheba, God can return someone to ministry despite their disqualifying sexual sin. It shows that David remained king because of the strength of God's messianic promise, and the sufficiency of the Messiah's death.
You may know a pastor who moved out of the ministry because of sexual sin. Can it happen to you? This article gives seven steps to avoid sexual sin.
This article explains how 2 Timothy 2:22 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. Learn to run from sexual sin and do not be ashamed to do so.
Should a pastor who has fallen into sexual sin ever be restored to office? This article weighs in on the matter.
In this article, Smith explains that sexual fantasies and masturbation harm people and their ability to have healthy relationships. These escapes are ways of playing god with others. Smith shares practical ways for building a new inner world founded on Christ’s sweet love that liberates and satisfies. The counsel in this article will help those who struggle with sexual sin to grow in their ability to have loving relationships.
This volume wants to help men with their daily battle against sexual sins and immorality. Chapter 1 describes the situation men are left in after sexual sin as a “wasteland.” Sexual sin results in desolation. It cannot make good on its promises of excitement and pleasure. It delivers discontent and insatiable craving.
What are the levels of infiltration of pornography as well as its effects in today's society and church? What can believers possibly do to stop this sexual sin spiral? These are some of the questions that the article addresses.
God's unyielding hostility toward immorality is well known, and yet immorality threatens to overwhelm us. For what purpose did God create sex, and how can we be sexually pure? This article talks about sex as being created for procreation, partnership, pleasure, and to portray the covenant. The author also discusses why God is hostile towards sexual sin.