What is the role of the husband in marriage? This article explains that husbands are called to love and lead. Based on Ephesians 5:25 this article explains this by looking at how the husband is to love and exercise headship in marriage.
Biblical spanking is administered out of love with the aim of bringing children to repentance and restoration. This article explains the biblical basis for spanking and ten practical guidelines on administering spanking.
If there is God who is good why is there evil? This is a question raised by atheism to argue against the existence of God. How should Christians answer. Christians must see how flawed this argument is.
The challenge facing families is not that of fatherless families. It is the lack of biblical fatherhood. This article based on Ephesians 6:4 explains that biblical fatherhood is not only a call to provide and protect, it is also a call to admonish and nurture.
What does safe-sex means? This article points to questions Christians can ask in engaging with sex education which promotes the practice of safe-sex and the control of STIs.
Is theistic evolution a better explanation of the creation account against the six days creation account? Theistic evolution fails to account for God’s purpose and glory in creation.