The Use of God's Law

This article looks at the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the other laws given by God. The author looks at the civil and ecclesiastical aspects of these laws, showing that these laws help us to understand and apply the Ten Commandments. The author also discusses how these laws are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

The Ten Commandments and Ethics

The Ten Commandments occupy a special place in Scripture, and so it is little surprise that they gradually formed an integral part of the instruction in the church, also in its ethics. This article considers their special place, and how some have challenged their key position in the church. The author clarifies that the law is not a way of salvation, but instead a norm for life.

How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments – The Covenant Lord Fulfils the Law

The author says that the ten commandments are a treaty document, and as such were written to define and secure the nature, character, and calling of Israel as the people of God. He reflects on the way the Lord went with his people throughout the Old Testament, and how in the end the law reaches its fulfilment in Christ. Clowney considers the significance of this fulfilment in Christ.