This article on Luke 3:1-2 is about the work of John the Baptist.

Source: The Outlook, 1985. 2 pages.

Luke 3:1-2 - The Beginning of the Fulfillment of Christmas

In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod Tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip Tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysania Tetrarch of Abilene — during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, son of Zechariah in the desert.

Luke 3:1, 2

Anyone who is acquainted with the Bible recognizes Luke 2 as the chapter that relates the birth of Jesus. It is the color­ful, exciting story about the heavenly songs of angels and the joy of the shepherds. Later Jesus is presented in the tem­ple, where he is received warmly and joyfully by Simeon and Anna.

But Luke 3 is different. It begins with an historical reference in which Luke, the historian, mentions Tiberius Caesar, Herod, Pilate, Philip, and other rulers. Annas and Caiaphas are also introduced as the high priests and then Luke writes about John the Baptist beginning his work in the wilderness. For most people the record of the secular rulers is of little interest. Notice that what we find in Luke 3 took place some thirty years after the accounts of Luke 2 of Jesus' birth.

Why does Luke mention the names of all these rulers? Who cares who the secular rulers were? What difference does it make two thousand years later that Tiberius Caesar and other men were civil rulers over some countries of that day? What we have to know is that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord and that we belong to Him.

In answer to such questions or objections we must see that what took place following Luke 2, in the work of Jesus Christ, took place in a particular part of our world and at a specific time of world history. Not only does the historici­ty of Jesus Christ show the authenticity of the Bible.

Luke apparently has another reason for mentioning the names of these rulers. Consider who these men really were. Who was Tiberius Caesar? Caesar had become the name for the rulers of Rome as the rulers of Egypt were called Pharaoh.

Augustus Caesar ruled when Jesus was born. Now Tiberius Caesar was the dictator. They have rightly been called the antichrists of that day. For many years the Caesars had been busy building the empire of Rome. Augustus was busy with that at the time of Jesus' birth when he wanted all the citizens of specific countries registered. We know that Pilate was a wicked ruler, as well as Herod and Philip. Lysanius is named to make the list of the rulers of that area complete. Annas and Caiaphas are also mentioned. With them we find total desecration of the office of the high priest. Although there could be only one high priest at a time according to Levitical law, both of these men are here called high priests. Recall what we read about their wickedness at the trial of Jesus and their godless dealings with the apostles after Pentecost. We may conclude that the sanctity of the office of the high priest was completely lost. Add to this the fact that, according to historical records, the high priest at this time was appointed by civil rulers like the Caesars. Imagine, the high priest, who was supposed to be a type of Jesus Christ, appointed by an antichrist.

This list of rulers might give the impression that Satan and the powers of evil were in complete control. Little Israel is now a part of this vast, indomitable empire of Rome. How dark it must have looked to the true Israelite! How different were these days from the days of David and Solomon. Is this the people of God? Is this the theocratic kingdom of the Lord?

We read about the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. According to history this was the peak of his reign. Now Rome was more consolidated than ever before. What 732 was for the Europeans with the defeat of the Turks, or what 1776 is for the United States the fifteenth year of Tiberius was for Rome. We should know this background of what is to follow.

THEN the Word of the Lord came to John the Baptist and he began his work of preparing the way for Christ. The work of John was really a part of the great work of the Son of God. Christmas has to be fulfilled. John must preach repentance from sin to receive Christ the Savior. He called for repentance, confession of sin and forgiveness and baptism. In this way the people of God were to receive a place in the kingdom of Christ that was to come.

But what can one man do, in the wilderness, far from civilization and the masses of people? He was not one of the mighty and influential people of the world. Neither was he a fanatic leader of some cult which makes itself heard throughout the world. His ministry didn't last long, only a year and a half approximately. However, he came with God's Word. And the Word is the mighty sword of the Spirit. Jeremiah the prophet said that it is so strong that it can crush rocks (Jeremiah 23:29). Against the Word, the inerrant and in­fallible Word of God, the world has no effective resistance. It is with this preaching of John that the meaning of Christmas begins to be fulfilled. How dark the future must have seemed to the true believers when, not only the world, but also the church was ruled by godless men! Thus it has often appeared to be for the church in many periods of history. What hope is there today for the church in Poland, Russia, China and other countries ruled by godless dictatorial powers? But when the church has the Word, with which John came, it has the power that conquers sin and the power by which the church is constantly gathered.

Let us, who live in North America not fail to see the dangers of the antichristian powers that prevail in our own countries. Although we have much for which to be thankful, not the least the freedom which we may still enjoy, let us beware of the apostasy that prevails all around us. It has been said many times and must be said again and again, that there is little response to the Christmas Gospel today. Perhaps there never is a time when the idols of humanism and secular materialism are worshipped more than during the Christmas season. A certain pastor wrote some time ago,

The devil has stolen Christmas as the day of our spiritual redemption and converted it into a day of worldly festivity. Christmas has almost been completely secularized, also in the church. That Christmas has become for so many people merely a pagan holiday, dedicated to the flesh, and lacking in spiritual significance is but one indication of the moral and spiritual blindness of this generation. That there was no room for Him in the inn was prophetic of today, where for millions He is neither wanted nor welcome. God's meaning of Christmas can never be understood until Christ is given priority in our hearts and lives.

Where God's Word is preached and obeyed we still find the blessings of a true and a joyful Christmas.

Almost two thousand years have passed since Tiberius and his contemporaries lived and ruled. They have been almost completely forgotten.

However, every year is still "A.D.," "Anno Domini," meaning the "year of the Lord." All other rulers and kings have come and gone, but Jesus is Lord throughout the ages. Thank God that He has seen fit that we can so calculate time to this day. And Jesus will continue to rule until time shall be no more. The Jesus about whom John the Baptist preached is still here. His kingdom is still being established and His church is being gathered where His Word is. He lives in the hearts and lives of His people. Where people are faithful to that Word the real Christmas will always be experienced and enjoyed.

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