A contemporary sermon
The text and the sermon
Pastor and teacher in the pulpit
The Sermon: What May we Expect?
A Pastor’s Reflections: Did I Apply the Text?
This article considers the nature and importance of application in preaching.
The Impracticality of Application
This article considers the frequent cry for application of the Scriptures without the hard work of studying them. It shows from history that the doctrine of perspicuity makes interpretation hard rather than easy.
How to Saturate Your Sermon with Application without Sacrificing Doctrine and Exegesis
How can you write a sermon full of application without sacrificing doctrine and exegesis? This article argues that by writing your main points in the form of a command, putting them in the present tense, and providing real-life examples of what it looks like to live out the text, you can fill your sermon with application.
Preaching with Personalized How-To
Moving from explanation to application in a sermon can be a challenge. This is where most preaching fails. This article discusses a number of ways one can personalize the message.
Does This Apply to You?
It should be the desire of every preacher to make proper application of the text. What application should do is show from the passage the meaning for the congregation today. How does one achieve such an application? This is what this article answers.
Hosea 12:1-6 – Inner-Biblical Exegesis as a Model for Bridging the “Then” and “Now” Gap
Kaiser considers again this question: how should readers understand the difference between the meaning and the significance of a text? He uses Hosea 12:2-5 as a case study to determine how an application of a text can be done in a responsible manner.
Sermons: Explanation and Application
Exposition and Sufficiency
Is simply preaching scripture sufficient for evangelism? This article reflects on expository preaching, showing that modern entertainment has made many preachers question the adequacy of scripture in spreading the gospel. The author shows that the strength of expository preaching lies in a firm belief of the sufficiency of scripture. The author also discusses application in preaching.
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God
Bridges or Ladders?
This article on the application in preaching, asks the question if application must be like a bridge or a ladder. The author searches for the relationship of ancient and modern world in application.
Redemptive-historical Preaching
In this article on redemptive-historical preaching, the author looks at the application of the old text in the modern world.
Rethinking Redemptive-Historical Interpretation
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 1: The Application of Scripture
Exposition Must Have Application
This article is about preaching as exposition and application.
Expounding the Word of God
This article is about different types of exposition for sermons. The author also discusses application in preaching, the place of biblical theology, and redemptive-historical preaching.