Ezra 9:5-15 (Part 2)
Ezra 9:5-15 (Part 1)
Ezra 7:11-8:20
Ezra 7:1-10
Ezra 5-6
Ezra 4
Ezra 3
Ezra 2
Ezra 1:1-11
Ezra 1
The New Covenant Meal
The article teaches on the topic of the Lord's Supper, firstly as a meal that can also be called a covenantal meal. Thus its roots are in covenantal theology. The Lord's Supper is a place where one moves from being outside to getting into the blessed communion with the Lord.
Sing a New Song - The History of Psalm Singing in the Christian Church
Many believers use the Psalms as a prayer book. It is also primarily God’s hymn book. From the early church the Psalter has been both the prayer and hymn book of the church. The author indicates this for the apostolic church and the church of the early church fathers. He continues with the Middle Ages and the Reformed tradition.
Worshipping With Calvin - Setting the Ecclesiastical Scene
This book argues for the historic Reformed Protestant approach to worship and ministry over against contemporary styles of worship. This chapter paints a picture of the challenges regarding worship which face evangelical and reformed churches today. The author maintains that the heritage of Reformed worship, which weaves theology, piety and worship together, is the cure for these challenges.
God-centered Worship
What kind of worship does God require? The author of this article emphasizes that worship should be God-centered, with everything in the service pointing towards God. Indeed, there is also an element of individual experience of God's presence in the worship service, but this must not be the central focus.