Calvin and Culture – 1929 and All That, or What Does Calvinism Say to Historians Searching for Meaning

Chapter 1 is a study of the significance of John Calvin’s understanding of the doctrine of providence. In the second part of the chapter, Hart considers the implications for a Christian approach to history, and the limits in seeking meaning in history.

With Reverence and Awe – The Church and the World

Chapter 1 is an exposition of Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 21, Q&A 54. The authors seek to understand from the Catechism what the relationship between the church and the world is in worship. Should the aim of the church be to make worship accessible to the world? Should worship be one occasion where the church displays her otherworldliness?

With Reverence and Awe – Sound Doctrine and Worship

Christians are increasingly divided over how they ought to worship God. There is significant confusion about the nature, purpose, and practice of worship. Questions that arise are, What do we expect from worship? Can we discern between good and bad worship? Is there such a thing as bad worship? How would we recognize it? The burden of the Introduction in this book is to demonstrate that how worship inevitably follows from our theological convictions.

The Church and the World

What is the relationship between the church and world in worship? Should the church's worship resemble what we find in the world? Should the worship service be user-friendly and seeker sensitive? This article engages with the topic, giving special attention to the identities of the church and world, the difference between holiness and worldliness, and how the church must be antithetical to the world.