You and Your Conscience
This article contends that the Christian church is losing its conscience, on account of the impact of the world on the church. The author makes a call for us not to allow the world to dull our sensitivity to the law of God.
This article contends that the Christian church is losing its conscience, on account of the impact of the world on the church. The author makes a call for us not to allow the world to dull our sensitivity to the law of God.
How should Christians handle disagreements between themselves? From Romans 14:1-Romans 15:7 this article provides twelve principles for handling disagreements between Christians, giving due consideration to the matter of conscience.
This article has as its basis the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapter 20, sections 2-3. The topic is on the freedom of the conscience and the nature of authority over that conscience. It further has to do with one's approach to the law of God.
This article explores the value of maintaining a good conscience. It addresses the question of whether your conscience is perfectly reliable, and then shows how you can calibrate your conscience.
Looking for clarity on the role of your conscience? Read this article to see both the blessing and limitation of your conscience.
Chapter 1 is a reminder of the way our conscience functions and how it is subject to the Word of God. The author does it through an exploration of five features of the conscience.
What is involved in making a moral choice? This article shows that this question can be answered by looking at one's understanding of what man is, the role of the conscience, and the question of standards and motives. This is what shapes an understanding of Christian ethics.
Conscience is knowledge held in common with another, namely, God. It is a man's knowledge of himself as God knows him. This article discusses the role of the conscience within Puritanism. It reflects on the place of conscience among Puritans, their teaching about it, and how their understanding of conscience shaped their preaching.
This book discusses the subject of conscience. In this chapter, the author surveys the Old and New Testament to give a biblical perspective on this subject.
This article is about the function that the conscience has in knowing good and evil, right and wrong. It also talks about the function of the conscience of the unbeliever when he comes before the judgment of God.